Fade Slider Broken?

Cyberonix wrote on 1/6/2011, 11:24 AM
I was going through the documentation on automation in Vegas Pro 10.0c and I'm having a problem with using a Fade To Color envelope. According to the documentation after adding a Fade To Color envelope to your video track and enabling the Automation Settings button you should have access to the Fade slider.

While I can see the Fade slider I cannot adjust it at all (my automation mode is set to Touch). If I adjust the actual envelope on the timeline the fade slider will move up and down as I adjust the level. However if I try to adjust the envelope using the slider itself it won't move. It's appears as though the program thinks I want to move the track to another position. I get a black bar on either the top or bottom of the track and I can actually drag the track to a new location.

Am I doing something wrong or is the Fade slider bugged?


L8R wrote on 1/6/2011, 12:00 PM
it's funny you just posted this because I just discovered it didn't work and have spent about 45 minutes checking my version 9 and 10c. I checked out the ( ? what is this ) info and tried what they suggested. Mine didn't seem to want to move.
I notice the "show track automation" is missing from the automation control button as well. I only use this from time to time.

Another note about help. 3 times I tried to do a search in help and had vegas freeze on me. Not impressed with that.
Grazie wrote on 1/6/2011, 11:40 PM
F-to-Colour Slider/Automation: Reproed in VP10b. F-to-C is "stuck" solid. Report it. OTOH, it's working in VP9e.

Help Files: As to the Help files, I've had this for maybe 3 years now. I've resorted to copying the Help file to my desktop and openning from there.
