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Subject:Previewing Loop Weirdness in 3.0b...
Posted by: Iacobus
Date:8/12/2001 10:50:07 PM

I was perusing some of the "1,001 Sound Clips" on the ACID Pro 3 CD-ROM.

I noticed that some of the loops did not preview right within ACID Pro 3.0b, particularly, "Animals", "Crashes", "Bathroom", "Foley", et al.

It doesn't happen with all of the clips. However, it is annoying.

Then I pulled out my ACID Techno CD-ROM (I bought this just because I wanted the loops on them.) Same deal, only just about every loop exhibits the same weirdness. Instead of the sound I'm supposed to get, I get a weird, distorted, stabbing synth sound for each one.

I can add a particular loop to my project and it'll play like it's supposed to during playback, but if I go to the track's properties and preview it there, I get the same deal.

Can anyone help by pulling out their ACID CD-ROM and confirm if this is a bug or not? It's driving me crazy. Before the patch, I did not have this problem. Thinking of uninstalling the whole thing and trying the first release on the CD-ROM just to see.

As a side note, the clips play just fine in something like Sound Forge or Windows Media Player.


Subject:RE: Previewing Loop Weirdness in 3.0b...
Reply by: Markleford
Date:8/13/2001 8:20:17 AM

I'm also seeing this behavior in 3.0b (Build 261).

It seems to be doing this for me whenever it's trying to preview a longer clip, such that it would wind up being Beatmapped. If I play with the Preferences/Audio/"Open files as loops..." setting and make the high value arbitrarily large, the file will preview correctly.

Note also that the Beatmapper Wizard itself exhibits this behavior!

I'm trying to determine what sort of samples set this off. From my tests, it looks like only beatmapped *mono* files (44.1k/16bit in this case) will mess up; if I take the same sample and convert it to stereo, it will preview correctly.

- m

Subject:RE: Previewing Loop Weirdness in 3.0b...
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:8/13/2001 11:26:21 AM

Indeed, it's only mono files that are exhibiting the strangeness. Stereo files play just fine. If I also convert the mono file to stereo, I can preview it in ACID Pro just fine.

Oy. I suppose I could convert them to stereo but I have literally *hundreds* of loops that are mono. I really shouldn't have to do that.

Guess I'll submit a report now that I know...


Subject:RE: Previewing Loop Weirdness in 3.0b...
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:8/14/2001 7:15:55 PM

Hey everyone,

Here's the speedy response I got from emailing SF's support:

"Dear Iacobus,

Thanks for writing. Unfortunately this is a bug in Acid Pro 3.0b.
The developers are aware of it and it will be fixed in Acid Pro 3.0c. Due
to the severity of the issue the update should hopefully be available soon.
If you have any more trouble please feel free to email me, or call us


Subject:RE: Previewing Loop Weirdness in 3.0b...
Reply by: Markleford
Date:8/16/2001 9:32:32 AM

Excellent! Good to hear that they're on it so quick.

- m

Subject:RE: Previewing Loop Weirdness in 3.0b...
Reply by: stateofgracie
Date:8/22/2001 8:19:18 PM

I think, "How on earth could this have slipped past product testing" is more to the point. I'm getting worried about what else will be broken in 3.0c.


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