Which chroma-key plugin? Boris FX or NewBlueFX?

will-3 wrote on 12/9/2010, 12:37 PM
This may be a re-post but I wanted the subject to be more directly relate to via a more specific question.

We want to add a chroma-key plug-in to Vegas10 Pro as we may be doing a lot of AVCHD Chroma-Key work.

Two products have been suggested...
a. Boris FX @$299
b. NewBlue FX @ $79 (Video Essentials II)

Do any of you have any experience with either of these tools?

I read some good things about both of them over at the Cow Vegas Forum

Thanks for any comments.


NewBlue is running a special for Video Essentials I-IV and three audio packages... all for $229. I don't know if this is a good deal or not... or if they are things we really need on top of what Vegas already has.

Boris is also running a special... all of their stuff for $599... if I understood the sales guy on the phone correctly. But no special on just Boris FX :-(


Rory Cooper wrote on 12/10/2010, 1:38 AM
I have and use both of them for different projects. Why don’t you download the trial versions of both and see which one suites your needs.
Kimberly wrote on 12/10/2010, 4:35 AM
I have NewBlue Video Essentials II, III, and IV. I use maybe 1-2 effects from each package and those are pretty neat. I will probably never use the rest, but I knew that when I bought them. Other users might enjoy the other effects but they just don't pertain to the kinds of videos I do.

Do download the trial and see if you like 'em. It's too bad NewBlue can give you an a la carte approach instead of a package.
kkolbo wrote on 12/10/2010, 4:39 AM
It's too bad NewBlue can give you an a la carte approach instead of a package.

As cheap as they are, they would probably be almost as much individually as a package. :)
will-3 wrote on 12/10/2010, 6:00 AM
Thanks for the comments guys.

The Chromakey plug-in is my main interest so I'm researching a little to see if there is over $200 difference in the two products chromakey plug-in.

TrueBlue Video Essentials is $79While BorisFX is $299

I just thought I'd ask around before committing the time to downloading and trying... as it is easy to burn up hours evaluating new software... as I'm sure you guys know... but ultimately that is the final test :)

kkolbo wrote on 12/10/2010, 6:18 AM
While I have the NewBlue, I still use the Vegas Pro Chroma Keyer with the Chroma Blur to do my CK work.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 12/10/2010, 6:35 AM
> I read some good things about both of them over at the Cow Vegas Forum
> http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/24/914474

Since the time that question was asked on the COW, Boris has come out with Continuum Complete 7 for Vegas Pro 10 (I had answered that BCC wasn't available for Vegas because at the time it wasn't). Here is something to consider:

Boris FX and BCC7 have way more keying tools than NewBlue FX but to be fair... NewBlue is a whole lot cheaper. So if you only want to spend $79 then NewBlue has a very respectable chroma keyer. I have it. It works beautifully.

What you get with Boris is a lot more control over the matte for doing very difficult keys (i.e, Alpha Process, Chroma Key, Composite Choker, Light Wrap, Linear Color Key, Linear Luma Key, Make Alpha Key, Matte Choker, Matte Cleanup, Motion Key, PixelChooser, TwoWayKey, & Wire Remover) . In that list is what I consider to be the "secret sauce" of selling a good key and that's Light Wrap. What Light Wrap does is take the light from the background that you've keyed in and wraps it around the foreground subject enhancing the illusion that they are really in scene. For example, if the sky is blue and the grass is green, then there is blue reflection on top of the person and green reflection on the bottom and they instantly "fit" into the scene. For me... this alone is worth the price of admission.

So... if you are OK with spending more to get more, then the choice is between Boris FX $299 and BCC7 $599. I don't know what Boirs' plans are for the next version of Boris FX (that said they are updating it) but it currently does not have the tight integration that BCC7 has. Also, BCC7 has 123 plug-ins including 3D extruded text which Boris FX doesn't have (you'll need Boris Graffiti to do that). Once the introductory price is over, BCC7 goes back to $999 so while $599 is a lot of money, it's still a great deal but you need the budget for it.

Bottom line: if you just need a good chroma keyer right now and don't want to spend a lot of money, download the trial of NewBlue FX and see if it works for you. If you want to invest in an incredible set of tools that will address dozens of situations (including outstanding chroma key with light wrap) get BCC7. If you can't afford BCC7, get Boris FX.

Hope that helps,

Dreamline wrote on 12/10/2010, 10:47 AM
I have Boris and New Blue. If I make the same effect with each plug the quality of Boris's effect will always be better than new Blue's. My guess is the quality on New Blue is lowered some how for faster rendering speed, but Boris looks better than Blue.
kkolbo wrote on 12/12/2010, 1:13 PM

I have been watching a working some with BCC. After learning how to put it all together, BCC is extremely powerful. It can really go beyond just keying. It can take a really compsite it all together and add some things to really sell the effect. It comes at a price both $$ and render power, but it is an excellent tool. While the Chroma Key unit offers a selection of tools that combined with the Vegas Pro tool set can be great, the complete package offers amazing value right now as a set.

No one can tell you how much the money is worth to you because no one knows your turn around and content like you do, but I would suggest that you watch the webinar at http://www.borisfx.com/webinar/vfx-for-vegas-pro.php and see what it all means. The presentation is boring, but useful.