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Subject:Fast, efficient loop production techniques?
Posted by: swriverstone
Date:8/5/2001 9:59:32 PM

I'm wondering if anyone out there has developed a fast (possibly automated?) loop production technique? Currently, I sequence a loop in a program like Cakewalk, then play it back and record it into an audio editor...then I have to edit the start and end points in the audio editor. It would be nice to be able to play a click, start playing with the click, then stop, and presto--the loop is all ready to go, with the dead space before and after the recorded loop automatically edited out, etc.

I tried recording directly into ACID, then adjusting the loop start position in the waveform display...but ACID doesn't store this info with the WAV file.

Any suggestions?

Subject:RE: Fast, efficient loop production techniques?
Reply by: synthman1128
Date:8/6/2001 1:31:53 AM

My friend has Orion. When he creates a 4, 8 bar loop and render it as a Wav in Orion and opens it up in Acid or Sound Forge, his loops comes out exactly the same. He doesn't even edit the start and end points of the loop. Now, when I record in SF in real time, I have to edit the start and end points of the loop.

Subject:RE: Fast, efficient loop production techniques?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:8/6/2001 8:19:45 AM

This works but it's not that fast untill u get a system going.
First select the audio file you want to make your loop from, and try to cut out a piece of audio that is close to being in time, Then right click anywhere in SF work space and select Paste to New. This opens the cut audio portion in a new window.
Then select edit>Select All, Then select Tools>Spectrum Analysis, Down at the bottom get the note C#1 or whatever shows up from Spec. Analysis.
Then select Special>Create Sample Loop, Fill in the correct settings for your audio and at the bottom select the note you got from Spec. Anal. And SMPTE Format set to Non-Drop 30fps Audio.
Then click OK.
Then Select View>Loop Tuner. This you have to read about in help file But what you have to do here is line up the start and end of your loop so it loops smooth. You can check your work here to see how your doing.
Then Click Acid Properties Tool, And select the correct settings for your file Example Loop C# and number of beats. Then click OK Then Click File>Save, Name it and Close it, then try it in Acid. Should loop perfectly.
If it plays too fast raise your number of beats.

I know it's alot to do but it makes perfect loops.

See ya

Subject:RE: Fast, efficient loop production techniques?
Reply by: spesimen
Date:8/6/2001 10:32:20 AM

>>I tried recording directly into ACID,
>>then adjusting the loop start position
>>in the waveform display...but ACID
>>doesn't store this info with the WAV file.

i usually do it like this:
1.record a long take of the various things i want to loop.
2. adjust start and end of the looping with the loop points for acid (no mucking with the waveform, just set the start and end to the right spots in the track view, sometimes ya have to magnify in a bit.)
3. render to new track.

if you play along with a click or a beat or whatever generally the adjusting of start and end points is easy because, if your playing is halfway tight, just slicing on the measure boundaries will often give good results.

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