Boris Plug-in (Worth the price?)

Greg Cervantes wrote on 11/18/2010, 8:45 PM
This is just a query to see what people think of the new Boris Continuum Complete plug-in and if it is worth the price.

Seeing as it is discounted right now for one more day I wanted to hear what people have to say about it before I buy it.

Here is the link in case you are wondering what Boris is.


PerroneFord wrote on 11/18/2010, 9:28 PM
How can someone else determine what it will be worth TO YOU? I use Boris every time I edit. Others may use it once a month, or once a year. But if that once a year person makes $20k on the edit, and Boris was a big part of it, I'm sure they'd say yes.

Is it woth it to me? Yes, but it was a freebie. Would it be worth retail cost for me? Yes, but most people aren't going to spend more for their effects package than their NLE.
Rory Cooper wrote on 11/18/2010, 10:01 PM
Well we got the Ferrari ………… where did they put that flipping steering wheel??????

How do you key BCC7????

Are we supposed to import .txt files for motion that we created in RED.
Or are you supposed to motion track everything?

If I can’t key it it’s useless

RED is worth every penny and then some.
Dreamline wrote on 11/19/2010, 1:16 AM
Red sucks and the gui is ancient. Its for oldies... I regret my purchase decision every time I think red. Blue is even lamer. After Effects is way better in every way possible and then some.
ushere wrote on 11/19/2010, 1:23 AM
i'm just waiting for a plugin that writes a decent script......

having bought a wide variety of plugins in the past i find i haven't installed any (as yet) in 10, preferring to keep my projects clean and simple around as strong a theme / plot as possible.

i'm finding watching a good many doco's and the like now visually tiring with all the various gimmicks and over the top graphics which seem to bury the story beneath the gratuitous eye candy....

then again, as is probably well established hereabouts, i am an old fart...
Rory Cooper wrote on 11/19/2010, 1:57 AM
And then some… reminded someone we are talking about plugins for Sony Vegas. LOL.
RRA wrote on 11/19/2010, 5:02 AM

I hope, that Boris will cancel all poducts with their own API (or will rebuild them) and move all functionality to OpenFX API. They did not change this for hosts, which have been offering OpenFX before, but who knows... we can't see Boris sales result. Suppose, that result on BCC is growing and rest is going down.

This things I can treat, that Boris fullfiled all my demands :

- chroma keying tools,
- operations with light,
- making slomo or manipulating time.

I'm still not satisfied with motion tracking. Independent Motion Tracker is lacking. Hope it will be in future as Unit.

Best regards,
RRA wrote on 11/19/2010, 5:10 AM
Hi ushere,

What I can observe, your 'taste' and your attitude to 'movie look' is comming back. Confrontation with manners from flash's world is ongoing, but I can see, that customers are very keen to come back to rule :

text = link
flash = banner
movie = content

Best regards,
Rory Cooper wrote on 11/19/2010, 5:47 AM
Sorry to ask again but does anyone know how to create keys BCC in Vegas?

For example using lens flare, I can key it easily in RED but not in BCC.

What am I missing?.......Other than youth and brain cells.
RRA wrote on 11/19/2010, 6:01 AM
Hi Rory,

On right side of each parameter, you should have icon of watch - it's equivalent of ANIMATE button. If you click, then TL should appear. Ok now ?

PS. If you have asked about chroma keying, some discussion is here :

Best regards,

Dreamline wrote on 11/19/2010, 8:49 AM
It is not worth the price. Boris is old dated software and don't get me started on how bad Boris Blue is. Talk about a a half baked idea. Do those guys at Boris even understand 3D?
Ros wrote on 11/19/2010, 1:25 PM
Rory, check the webminar with Sony Vegas 10 and BCC 7 about chromakey

I have used the chromakey in BCC and was very impressed, with just a few clicks and there it was. Much better than the default keyer in Vegas and much less hassle also.

Regarding keying lens flares, I have sent Boris a feature request about that. When using lens flares on text for example, the bakcground turns black, now my wish was that the remaining parts of the image be transparent, either have a switch or have the pixel chooser option which isn't part of the lens flare fx.

Now is BBC 7 worth the price, well at this promotional price, yes it is.
It will get even better once we get 3D extruded text part of a free update soon.

Former user wrote on 11/19/2010, 4:18 PM
I love the BCC keyer. Far superior to the built-in for Vegas. But, and this may just be me, I'm having some issues with the BCC Chroma Keyer crashing my VP10. That said, I'm working with a tech at BorisFX to see if it's just a machine problem, or something or something more systemic that my particular installation is bringing to the fore.

At this point, for me, BCC7 isn't remotely stable enough to use on either of my production systems with VP10. But, seeing it at work makes me hope we nail down the problem. The results are as nice, but simpler, than Primatte in AE (without all the transcoding).

Again, it may be just a system issue (I bought because I had room in my budget - not because I downloaded the trial and gave it a whirl (which I should have, but it wasn't my money, so no harm - windfalls at work without dramatic consequences are kinda fun, which is why I'm not overly stressed).
Dennishh wrote on 11/19/2010, 5:32 PM
My feeling is yes and no.I tried out the demo and was very impressed with some of it's capabilities, even though some of them didn't seem to work and were not totally done as of yet. Their plug-ins had a conflict with Mercallie stabilization plug in, so I called to have them fix it, which they haven't done yet. Some of the most important plug-ins in their suit that are available for after effects are not available for Vegas, like the three-way color corrector. It seems every time I asked about these items I was told to just trust us we will add them later. I finally came to the conclusion that even though the introductory price is $300 off, I wasn't confident with what they said, so I'm not going to buy it.
Laurence wrote on 11/19/2010, 7:45 PM
I'm not sure if it's worth the price, but I bought it anyway. I have no desire to learn After Effects and this should be able to keep me in the Vegas world for the amount of that sort of thing that I need. I really didn't want to miss the deal and pay full price later when I had a project that needed it.
Dreamline wrote on 11/19/2010, 10:02 PM
Boris Red is not even 64 bit. Hell, even NewBlue's cheese is 64. That how lame Boris is. Not a real update in many years. Not worth the purchase price at all. Then when they split red into blue... that's just BS. Red stinks.
RRA wrote on 11/20/2010, 4:41 AM

1) BCC7 tracker has conflict with Mercalli, probably both plugins are trying to reserve memory area for sending messages on preview screen (grayed previed with message 'video analysys must be' or 'come back to last tracked frame'). Trecker also draws path on the same screen. My experience is, that tracker can't properly release this momory, even it is removed from project. Problem reported to Boris.

2) RED and BLUE with independent API have not any chance for succes in Vegas community (lack of development was connected with lack of customers for this product). Actually they are externall applications. The same story was for example with Heroglyph from ProDAD.

3) Effects algoritms can't get old : they are core of plugins. Just overlay is changing (32 -> 64, DirectX -> OpenFX). It's good starting point to make right steps to preserve technologies included in RED, BLUE or FX9.

4) Boris has announced development, it means, they incur commitment. If they will fullfil commitment, it will be clear statement about their creditiblity.

5) Three Color Corector is present as an Unit, I have not info, but hope soon or later it will be available for Vegas. From Unit's list I know for sure that Shaders and Beatreactor is impossible to implement on Vegas host.

6) It's big jump for Vegas from DirectX to OpenFX - it's first experience with new plugin SDK, not only for Sony but also for plugins developers (some of them are experienced, other are starting from scratch). As we can see, not everything is just such simple (some plugins work correctly as DirectX but have errors as OpenFX). But I'm very glad, that SCS have decided to do that. Can endure instability, because development is on stack. SVP9e is still my leading editor for commercial tasks. Implementations of OpenFX looks like disturbing innovation and SVP10 (with new plugins) need time to improve reliablity. This is also test of cooperation.

Best regards,
Rory Cooper wrote on 11/21/2010, 10:18 PM
Shot thanks RRA,Rosto99…….right in front of me as usual.