Subject:AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Posted by: collinsylex
Date:11/2/2010 9:48:10 PM
some very strange things have been going on with my acid pro since deciding to move from xp single core acid pro 6 to my vista64 quad with acid pro 7. my biggest issue right now in 7 is that sometimes when re-opening a project i find that some clips have shifted to be LATE by around an eigth note. i can close and re-open the project and get the same result, some things have gone out of whack since last rendering and saving the project file. the first thing obvious about the clips that have shifted, is that there is what looks to be a faint grey bar located in the early part of the audio clip.. THE GREY BAR: when i zoom in close to this mystery bar in the clip, it actually looks like a Slice in the clip with very short fades going either way. If i click the clip, both sides of the slice are still selected. so its like a phantom slice in the clip basically. If i open clip properties and hit reload it corrects itself.. the clip events jump to where they are supposed to be and the grey bar disappears. If i resize the clip and remove the "grey bar", all the clip events jump into place as soon as i have shortened the clip enough to remove the grey bar. This is SUPER frusterating as its really making me look foolish when people come back to me and i open their projects... and it randomly sounds messed up on their verse or part of their hook! then i have to fix it and calm everyone down... Not cool! Does anyone have a suggestion as to something i can disable in preferences or a "best practice" i could start exercizing to avoid this?? **yesterday i re-installed acid for a different problem i was having, the main issue worked itself out... but the above annoyance LIVES ON ***subnote to this issue... hit and miss, opening some of my old acid pro 6 projects that had certain audio sections pitched down/up and chopped up have been a DISASTER. my guess is this is due to the new time stretching preferences of acidpro7. Some old projects that didn't get much chop and screw open just fine, but most projects that we got creative with beatmapped pitching are totally messed up when i open them ******sometimes my VEGAS projects have to be opened up a second time before the clips open correctly, all this makes me wonder about Sony softares ability to open media correctly from my hard disk... other audio apps i own are working fine. |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:11/3/2010 9:36:32 PM
I have seen/heard this issue as well. The project was very basic. -midi drum tracks playing into the dls synth. -4 guitar tracks each with guitar rig 4 on it. [latest build. Recorded a bunch of tracks. Everything came out great. Closed out of acid. Came back a day or so later and a couple of tracks were misaligned. Question...Did you have the song open up via the preference to "open last project"...or the file drop down menu...or did you select the "open" icon and select the project from there? Was it the project or the "back up" file. [bak] I can't remember how I did my game I know. Try to keep notice of how you do things...cause when they break there is usually a step by step repro of how to do this...finding this will make a fix in the future easier for sony to find/fix. Though I wouldn't hold your breathe for a version "F" of acid. This is far to late in the cycle imho for them to spend time on it. Just try to figure out what you did and "not do that again". If I figure out a repro I will post. Ed. |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: Kappeesh
Date:11/4/2010 3:54:23 AM
fwiw I sometimes have to reset audio properties, e.g. I primarily use one-shots for most of my projects. but if I use beatmaps it will change them to loops, etc. So when my song sounds "wrong" this is my first suspicion. But I'm still using xp. the gray bar thing you mentioned...that's not auto fade (prefs) related is it? |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: collinsylex
Date:11/4/2010 9:46:34 AM
thanks for the replys guys... I tried to re-create the possible reasons for it to put these phantom grey bars on some of the tracks... i can't figure it out! perhaps i was tweaking an fx parameter or something while the vocalist was recording causing the messup....or.. I was thinking perhaps i was re-using an audio track that i had deleted a clip from to record (causing an overlap with the old clip that was gone anyways?)... i have tried to re-create the situation but i can't get it to be consisitant! its really weird and i HATE it lol i wish there was a way for me to pop a screenshot or two of the problem clips but this forum doesn't support anything "fancy" like pictures so i have to go with a thousand words instead of letting ya see it with your own eyes!! I am super stressed out about the problems i am having with acid. I have been using it for so long and never had issues like this... This is my MAIN tool for recording and arranging as it is so efficient to use during sessions. I have been trying to get used to cubase but many of my simple operations to do in acid are a total pain in the ass in cubase, so i don't wanna switch... Plus i have been taking such good care of my THOUSANDS of projects so i can return to them and do a tweak or two whenever needed, now these old projects are a nightmare... I am sooo Screwed as i have been fixing up some of the projects and creating new ones wiht acid 7 so i can't even really just go back to 6 on my old machine... I am so SCREWED... SONY please help me!! I have been using ACID 7 for about a month and getting it mixed in with the acidpro6 projects, so there is really no going back, and everything is MESSED UP! Many of my old acid 6 projects are still not opening right, i have to manually fix pretty much any clip that got pitched around a bit (the correct beatmapping algo does not appear!! its blank in clip properties, i have to manually select classic beatmapping before the clip goes to the way i last had it when the project was created... by default it opens up like a 1shot pitched up or down, which TOTALLY MESSES up the timing of the clip... HORRIBLE freekin DISASTER ) i can almost understand it not opening acid 6 projects perfectly, but its messing up opening projects created in 7just minutes before, total garbage... and i say it again i am so SCREWED by this problem. PS did a fresh re-install of ALL sony apps on my machine after cleaning the registry and old folders... still problematic in the same freeking way. Sony, tell me something good about this... tell me you have acid 8 coming out next week and i get a free update or something... cuz i am freeking out here BIGTIME. Thanks! Message last edited on11/4/2010 9:49:45 AM bycollinsylex. |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: collinsylex
Date:11/4/2010 4:39:11 PM
i found a way to get some screenshots loaded up here... this first image is the re-opening of a file made just minutes before... note the GREY BAR at the beginning part of the green clip ![]() zoomed in ![]() after resizing the clip and removing the grey bar everything jumps into alignment for that clip ![]() I hope that these screenshots can help the helpers understand, see, and believe! Message last edited on11/4/2010 4:41:12 PM bycollinsylex. |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: collinsylex
Date:11/4/2010 4:58:29 PM
Question...Did you have the song open up via the preference to "open last project"...or the file drop down menu...or did you select the "open" icon and select the project from there? Answer: "open last project" is the first thing i disable after a re-install, so in every case its when i choose file "Open" Ed, were you using vista64 by any chance when your project messed up like that?? ...I am kind of hoping that an upgrade to windows7 mite resolve my issues.. but then again, vista has been otherwise fine for me and i am nervous about spending more money on more upgrades to get acid running when i just dropped more than i wanted to in order to get acid7 so i could use my vist64quad in the firstplace.. ohhh this sucks, I am having a bad past few weeks with technology! |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:11/4/2010 10:35:29 PM
Hey dude, I've been using Vista 64 sp2 [all updates] for a while now. I've just seen this issue with the current update. Though to be honest I don't have any older version projects to test against. Try doing a complete uninstall of acid and reinstall a earlier 7.0D and see if this is still a issue. Ed. Message last edited on11/4/2010 10:40:01 PM bySHTUNOT. |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: SHTUNOT
Date:11/4/2010 10:45:22 PM
Just checked the site and I can't seem to find any of the earlier versions for someone to download. Hopefully what you have on disc is at least version B or C. Submit a bug report and see if possible they can emial or give a link to a earlier version. Ed. |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/8/2010 9:30:49 AM
Also maybe try updating your video card's drivers or try different versions of video card drivers. (Or even try a different video card.) Believe it or not, video drivers account for a large percentage of problems like this. (I recall a problem that only occurred between ATI's video drivers and ACID a few years back; ATI eventually fixed it with newer drivers.) Iacobus |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: collinsylex
Date:11/12/2010 3:26:25 PM
So i downgraded to version D and it is no longer creating buggy clips! I have been closing the projects i make and re-open them up correctly! so thats a good start... NOW i need to figure out how to get projects created in AP6 to open correctly in version 7... i don't understand why all the clips in the old projects have changed their beatmapping algo... They all open as One Shot instead of beatmapp... which really really sucks! |
Subject:RE: AP7 some audio clips reopen incorrectly (bug?)
Reply by: collinsylex
Date:4/4/2011 1:54:28 PM
An update to this issue... THE PROBLEM STILL EXISTS! Since originally posting i have change operating systems, and the problem even remains after a fresh install of windows 7 (on the same machine**) I at least have figured out how to minimize the impact of this... I must trim the beginning of EVERY audio clip i record. IF i don't, it is VERY likely that the clips will be opening up with the stupid ghost grey bar and be out of time... No one else has experience this before?? I find it strange that this is happening to me regardless of the OS used.. |