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Subject:Music studio 8
Posted by: anthonywilliam
Date:11/9/2010 7:57:18 AM

I'm weeping with frustration here. I have done just about everything on the tech pages and reloaded downloaded and uploaded the cats whiskers. Can I get past the start screen? can I hell.
Any tech guy to give me some help please, or have I chucked £40 down the drain.
Rant over.
I run Win7 64bit all drivers etc up to date but I get 2 scenarios.
I load program, everything works as it should no problems and we get to start the prog.
Scenario 1 it goes to the splash page and hangs trying to to update DirX files I have ver 11.
Scenario 2. I click on either the desk top icon or in the start menu and I get the little busy circle that replaces the mouse pointer for about 20 seconds then nothing.

Subject:RE: Music studio 8
Reply by: anthonywilliam
Date:11/10/2010 1:57:51 AM

As is the way with computers I thought I'd have another pop at getting this up and running. When I turned on my PC it displayed a warning from Sony about registering. As I had deleted the program I was somewhat suprised but anyway I decided to go for it and clicked 'next' only to get a message that there was no program available, no suprise there. Anyway I decided to go straight for the upgrade download and would you beleive it the install just sailed through, all my previous registrations were still valid I clicked on the program icon and away she went. I COULD NOT BELEIVE IT.
4.5 Hrs wasted yesterday the question is WHY?

Subject:RE: Music studio 8
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/10/2010 10:23:49 AM

Welcome to the wonderful world of computers? lol


Subject:RE: Music studio 8
Reply by: anthonywilliam
Date:11/12/2010 7:18:39 AM

Been up and running for 48hrs now. I got MS8 for my son(14) who has just started programming at his school. It has taken a little while to get into but he has already managed his first piece. I remember my first PC with the music software running in DOS and being able to enter 1 note at a time, now this MS8 is something else.
I was so impressed I just had to have a go myself and although I've just scratched the surface it has already got me champing to upgrade to APro.
Whoa!, steady Hos, next year maybe but the bug has bit.
I dare say we will be asking many questions.

Subject:RE: Music studio 8
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:11/13/2010 11:00:10 AM

"I remember my first PC with the music software running in DOS and being able to enter 1 note at a time, now this MS8 is something else."

Wow, I remember those apps in DOS. (I seem to remember the "blocks" in Cakewalk, where each block represented a measure if I recall.)

Short of performing the blackest of magic, you were lucky to get anything done. It was still fascinating though. Scary (in a good way) that the tech we have today is light years ahead by comparison.


Subject:RE: Music studio 8
Reply by: GP40
Date:11/15/2010 5:19:44 PM

Back in the day, I used to work with a program called SAW. These programs have come a long way.

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