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Subject:XP 4.5 Mixes Stereo Down to Channel
Posted by: fiddlerb
Date:7/30/2001 1:49:04 AM

Here's what is happening:

I'm trying to record some stereo sources into Sound Forge XP 4.5g and am having problems with the stereo sound being mixed and stored only into one channel. I'd like the left and right source channels go into their own respective channels in SF, i.e., after recording a stereo signal, I'd like to have the right channel in the top or bottom of the window, and the left channel in the other part of the window. Right now, both channels are being mixed and displayed in only one half of the window. When I replay the recording, naturally the audio comes out in only one ear.

Here's what I'm doing. Please tell me where I am going wrong.

1) In my sound card setup (Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, accessed by clicking on little yellow speaker) I've made sure to turn on "line in" in the "record" section of the audio setup and set the record volume just below clipping. I've also set up the Santa Cruz card as the recording and playpack paths on the Options>Preferences>Wave dialog. I get the same results when I use the Microsoft Sound Mapper.

2) In SF, I then create a new project and specify 16-bit 44.1KHz, and Stereo.

3) I start playing a CD and hear stereo music in both ears.

4) I press the record button and get the record dialog.
If I check the Monitor check box, I only see signal in the left channel.

5) When I record the audio, I get both channels mixed together into one channel (some of the audio on the CD is only on one channel or the other - example: trumpet in right channel, and sax in the left - both show up in the final recording in SF). Naturally as a result, when I play the audio back from SF, I only get output to one earpiece in my headphones.

It looks like the mixing is happening before the record as is evidenced by the monitor. Any Ideas?

Thanks in advance - fiddlerb

Subject:RE: XP 4.5 Mixes Stereo Down to Channel
Reply by: Dave2
Date:7/30/2001 9:20:08 PM

I am not familar with your Turtle Beach card and maybe that's why I find your question somewhat confusing.

You have line in selected but you use CD music as your example. Does that mean you are using a external CD player as your recording source? If you are using the computer CD player would you normaly select CD as your recording option?

Does XP come with Tools/'extract from CD'? If it does you will automatically rip both tracks. Plus 'extract' is much faster and seems to have less DC offset.

If Turtle Beach Does not have a CD recording option I wonder if you could use 'what u hear' or something similar.

Dave M.

Subject:RE: XP 4.5 Mixes Stereo Down to Channel
Reply by: fiddlerb
Date:7/31/2001 1:07:43 PM


Thanks for getting me pointed in the right direction. This is a fairly new system and I don't know my way into every nook and cranny yet.

This is really stupid, but I had the microphone selected as the recording device when I went to YellowSpeakerMaster>Options>Properties>Recording. As soon as I selected the CORRECT device, everything worked beautifully!

Thanks for getting me going - fiddlerb

Subject:RE: XP 4.5 Mixes Stereo Down to Channel
Reply by: Dave2
Date:7/31/2001 9:42:18 PM

As it should be, This thread is a Win Win Situation. I learned something about your card as well.

Thanks for your reply.

Dave M.

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