
Steve Grisetti wrote on 10/22/2010, 7:20 PM
Are you sure you're describing this right, Jeff?

A videotape moving across the top of a menu page wouldn't have pictures on it.

Do you mean something like a filmstrip?
Steve Mann wrote on 10/22/2010, 7:21 PM
What titles?
I haven't seen a Hollywood DVD menu yet that I couldn't emulate in DVDA.
bStro wrote on 10/23/2010, 8:46 AM
I'd also like to know what DVD titles have had this. I don't see how it would work, assuming I understand your description correctly.

The way you describe it, the item buttons themselves would have to move. To the best of my knowledge, according to the DVD specs, the highlight subpictures on menus must be static.

Besides which, "moving targets" like this might be a bit frustrating for someone trying to operate this menu on a standalone DVD player. ;-) Even if it can easily be navigating using the DVD remote, many non-techy users would still be thrown off by the presentation.

Certain you're not thinking of websites you've visited or even multimedia (CDROM or DVDROM) discs you've used? That sort of thing is more suited for navigation on a computer rather than a DVD player. If someone's putting a menu like that on a DVD (assuming it's not a hybrid DVD with an alternative menu for standalone players), they're ignoring a huge portion of their audience.

Now, if the filmstrip and included pictures move, but the highlight itself stays in one place (like, whichever picture "passes through" the highlight is the one that gets selected), it could maybe be done in DVDA using scripting, duplicate menus, or something other trickery. I'd have to sit down and think about it a few minutes to come up with a solution. (And if it involves scripting, I have to admit I've done almost none of that in DVDA.)

flavious27 wrote on 10/23/2010, 1:59 PM
Well you could always have a video as the background and then have an invisble button over that part of the screen.