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Subject:how much bpm do you get for acid?
Posted by: theory
Date:7/21/2001 4:37:48 PM

I heard that if I had a cd with vocals only , that I could dumb the vocals and speed it up by the 100th. Is that true? For example, if the original tempo of the song was 98 bpm, can I adjust to 98.5 bpm or 98.99bpm,etc.? does anybody know? I don't have acid,but I was curious it this has this feature. Also,I heard the only way to save your music into acid was to convert it into wave file in soundforge, then load it into acid, It that true? I would appreciate any advice, thanks Theory

Subject:RE: how much bpm do you get for acid?
Reply by: Mus
Date:7/21/2001 5:42:07 PM

Hi Theory,

The BPM resolution is to the 1000th.

In terms of acidizing your loops I'm new to the program myself but the BPM parameter settings are definitely available in Soundforge.

One shot audio files can be loaded as they are.



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