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Subject:Any answeres to the low/incorrect bus volumes???
Posted by: sroughley
Date:7/15/2001 5:55:06 PM

Has there been an outcome from the many messages in this forum about the bug in Acid3.0 which causes the bus levels to be incorrect when rendering??? It is really starting to drive me mad!!!

Subject:RE: Any answeres to the low/incorrect bus volumes???
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/15/2001 9:30:41 PM

I know SF is very aware of the issue and is working on a patch.

Inexplicable stuttering in some of my projects is becoming an issue for me as well. Don't know what in the world is causing it. Tried everything from increasing the buffer (all the way to 2 seconds) to defragging my drives to end tasking everything. Seems to happen when I have a some effects in the project.

(FWIW, I have an 800MHz PIII with 384MB of PC133 SDRAM with *all* of my loops copied to my 7200 RPM hard drive.)

All things considered, I'm sure it'll eventually get cleared up. I'm still very happy with 3.0 nonetheless.


Subject:RE: Any answeres to the low/incorrect bus volumes???
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:7/15/2001 11:21:25 PM


I just installed an additional sound card a M-Audio Delta 2496 DiO, and before I had to set my buffer way up high to stop the stuttering, and after installing this card I was able to put the buffer back to default of .25 setting, and now it plays great.

Don't know if that's your problem or not, but I also have a PIII 800 w/ 512 Meg of ram and 2, 7200 RPM drives. And I was running Acid on the Sound Blaster Live Platinum card, which is still installed (only used for recording though).

See ya

Subject:RE: Any answeres to the low/incorrect bus volumes???
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/16/2001 3:56:28 PM

It's got to be the SB Live! then, since that's what I have too.

Guess it's time to break out the piggy bank...



Subject:RE: Any answeres to the low/incorrect bus volumes???
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:7/16/2001 10:25:00 PM

At Mars Music the delta card is less money than the SB live they have one version a 2448 DiO Delta for $89.00 and the Delta 2496 DiO is $199.00 Great Buy and they are on line too if there's not one near you.

See ya

Subject:RE: Any answeres to the low/incorrect bus volumes???
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/17/2001 2:12:22 PM

Yeah, I saw that. I'll probably go for the Delta 2496 DiO anyway. The Audiophile 2496 looks good too. Go for the gusto, I always say. :)

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