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Subject:recording equipment,
Posted by: biggg53
Date:7/14/2001 6:34:45 AM

Hey anyone out there, that has any information on good recorders for
midi,digital,and also track recording. I have a 4-track recoder,
but I can't seem to get any acid loops,
or even figure out a way to record loops on the recorder,
I'm also looking for a good sound card also, so that I can start
my digital recording.

If anyone have any suggestions.

Subject:RE: recording equipment,
Reply by: rollinxtc
Date:7/15/2001 2:16:05 AM

man, you need some serious recording studio help....i could go on with pages with this....i cant just recommend u a bunch of equipment unless yo u know what it's good for....i suggest you read latest of issuses of Musicain and get yourself a copy of BASIC HOME RECORDING TECHNIQUES from fun choosin ure quipment!

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