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Subject:SFAcid has caused an error????
Posted by: synthad1
Date:7/11/2001 11:07:06 AM

everytime I start to work on my song,withn 2 minutes, I get this prompt that says "SFAcid has caused an error in sfxpfx1.dll. SFAcid will now close." I click ok, and the program shuts down.It is driving me crazy. It does not give me an option to save my work or anything. Then I restart my computer (just in cases) and start all over. No difference there either. I get the prompt back. N E 1 plz thanx synthad1 p.s. U guys are awsome. I found this forum about a week ago and I have had so many helpfull tips since then. thank you

Subject:RE: SFAcid has caused an error????
Reply by: TomBaker
Date:7/11/2001 12:49:39 PM

get in line

Subject:RE: SFAcid has caused an error????
Reply by: synthad1
Date:7/11/2001 2:10:55 PM

hmm. "get in line" is all i get? LOL. Wonder if it's my computer or acid software. I can't work on this song for more than a minute. program shuts down even when I just adjust the volume on a track, or try and just skip around play points in the song to hear my new adjustment. Also getting alot of skipping/stuttering in the song.

Subject:RE: SFAcid has caused an error????
Reply by: synthad1
Date:7/11/2001 2:39:12 PM

so after reading some earlier topics, I have now set the buffering to full, hit apply, and it says "invalid audio editor path", which the location currently is sound forge/beta.exe. I changed that to sfacid.exe and it has now enabled me to successfully hit "apply" to my buffering adjustment. BUT still no change in the "sfacid will now close" message. Actually its gotten worse. I play the song and the second I hit stop error message comes up and system closes.

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