Upgrade to latest Vegas?

Jon_7sharp9 wrote on 8/16/2010, 4:56 PM
I've been away from recording for the last few years but am now getting back into it. I'm a longtime Vegas user and currently have Vegas 5. Since I just use Vegas for audio can anyone give me reasons to upgrade to the latest version?


(BTW If a newer version allowed you set the measures & beats ruler to multiple tempos and time signatures I would upgrade in a heartbeat.)


rraud wrote on 8/16/2010, 5:31 PM
I don't know about the measures & beats but you can set the TC and other parameters. The latest will read and render most of the latest A/V file types. Including Apple's AIFC, which I'm seeing more and more from FCP users. I don't suppose V9 will render an AIFC, but who would want to anyway.

Addendum: If you looking for something with MIDI capabilities Vegas ain't it.
Other than that SCS is (or was) running an attractive upgrade offer... 20% off. I don't think you will be seeing V-10 for a year or so, so I would upgrade if the special is still running.
Geoff_Wood wrote on 8/16/2010, 9:04 PM
You sure can. The ruler (and metronome) can be set to any tempo, and to read out in bears/beats/ticks.

However this does not link to the recorded media playback in any way in order to allow project tempo shifts (etc). If that is what you want, you should be on Acid, so to speak.

Jon_7sharp9 wrote on 8/17/2010, 11:35 AM
The problem with the ruler/metronome is that you can only set it to one tempo and one time signature per song. For instance, I had a song where the verse was in 5/4 and the chorus in 3/4. So after the "one" of the first measure of the chorus all the measures were off. I don't need MIDI just a way to organize the the song. It's a minor annoyance I can work around but if it were fixed I would upgrade.

Tried Acid, so to speak, and it solves this problem but there other issues that make unusable given the way I work (a lack of transparent events for example).
Geoff_Wood wrote on 8/17/2010, 1:48 PM
I can't see that Vegas will ever have a function like that, given that they have been considering it totally as a NLE rather than it's (preeminent) DAW capability, for many years now.

So for you it is Acid, or something else....
