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Subject:Tempo question on Sony ACID 7.0
Posted by: NyghtStrix
Date:8/13/2010 7:47:58 PM

Hey guys. I've been a user of the program since 2009 last year. I compose my own music. With one of my pieces, the tempo switches from 68 to 64 to 100.
As I'm recording I also use the Metronome. Is it possible to change a particular spot of a timeline to another tempo temporarily?

For example...

Bar 1-10 is 68 then Bar 11-15 is 64?
So this means, when I'm recording a .wav, the metronome will automatically go from 68 to 64.

Please ask if you don't understand.

Subject:RE: Tempo question on Sony ACID 7.0
Reply by: sodbuster-ca
Date:8/13/2010 9:13:33 PM

"...Is it possible to change a particular spot of a timeline to another tempo temporarily?

The short answer is yes. Please see the discussion on the Sony Support page here

It gets a little more complicated when you use the term "temporarily". Your example shows a beginning tempo, then a change to another tempo. Musically speaking, I wouldn't use the term "temporary" in that instance. That's simply a "tempo change". Musically, a piece can have many tempo changes and of course, ACID can accomodate those.

The musical connotation of the term "temporary" would mean that Bars 11-15 are set to 64 bpm for now and then later Bars 11-15 (the same 5 Bars) would be changed to some other tempo; say 72 bpm. ACID can accomodate that too but it becomes more complicated/difficult the more tracks you have in your project.

I believe what you are talking about is simply inserting tempo changes. Musically speaking, a temporary tempo is very different than a tempo change.

Message last edited on8/13/2010 9:35:16 PM bysodbuster-ca.
Subject:RE: Tempo question on Sony ACID 7.0
Reply by: NyghtStrix
Date:8/14/2010 3:01:45 AM

Thankyou so much. That's exactly what I wanted. Kudos to you mate.

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