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Subject:hmm??? is acid even good to use for recording..........
Posted by: synthad1
Date:7/4/2001 4:39:32 PM

Is acid a good program to use for recording external tracks. I usually find some cool drum loops and maybe some other things the loop c.d. has to offer, But Am I wasting my time if I want to really get in to laying down external tracks into it. Like vocals and synth's over the loops. (acid music 2.0) thank you synthad1

Subject:RE: hmm??? is acid even good to use for recording..........
Reply by: wayland
Date:7/5/2001 10:32:00 AM

If you are only recording 1 or 2 tracks of audio at a time, I would recommend using Sound Forge 5.0 or Sound Forge XP and then import the wav files into Acid. If you need to record more tracks than that at one time you should use a multi-track audio application. Vegas LE will do the job, though it will only record 16 bit audio.

Subject:RE: hmm??? is acid even good to use for recording..........
Reply by: SonicMA
Date:7/6/2001 4:08:40 PM

Even though ACID isn't necessarily designed to be a multitrack recorder (Vegas does an admirable job of that), I still use ACID from time to time when recording from an external source, and usually it is just one instrument/voice at a time that I want to quickly capture. I then take that freshly recorded track into Sound Forge to clean it up and whatnot, so the answer is definitely "yes".

Subject:RE: hmm??? is acid even good to use for recording..........
Reply by: gbat
Date:7/6/2001 4:22:50 PM

The way I record, 1 stereo track at a time, Acid 3 suits me fine. Only problem I have with it is splitting the midi parts so I can record them one at a time. ( I work them out in Power Tracks then bring them into Acid ). I have to bring them in one at a time rather than all at once and have them take seperate tracks like they do in Cake or N-Tracks. Not a big problem though.

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