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Subject:Differences between Acid 2.0 and 3.0
Posted by: 1daat
Date:7/5/2001 7:54:04 AM

These are some questions I have been collecting. Right now I am running Acid 2.0 and 3.0 side by each, and have kept some notes about my observations. If anyone has any input on these would appreciate the feedback.


Differences between Acid 2.0 and 3.0

- In ACID 2.0 I can solo any number of tracks, and on the Edit menu I can mix them to a new track
where is that in 3.0 ?

- In ACID 3.0 I can preview all of the effects

- In ACID 3.0 I can click on the pull down for a track to preview an FX bank and all change.
I like that.

- ACID 3.0 Crashes all the time. I have started to document when and where. Hopefully they will
fix it soon, or give me some insight as to how I can fix it. It seems if the system has been
up awhile it will crash.

- ACID 3.0 will load the whole timeline in a shorter amount of time, but takes longer to render
out the audio.

- ACID 3.0 will skip or jump on a regular interval, only on certain timelines.

- ACID 3.0 does not do the stuttered initial playback that ACID 2.0 does.

- Where did the capability to press the Z key for zoom go to in ACID 3.0 ?

Subject:RE: Differences between Acid 2.0 and 3.0
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/5/2001 1:16:43 PM

-"Tools>Render to New Track" (Can also use Ctrl+M)

-ACID 3 is new. As such, I wasn't expecting it to be bug-free. (What new software, even professional-level, is nowadays?). Expect a patch within the next few weeks. Meanwhile, since you've been documenting any problems, definitely submit them to Sonic Foundry via the link below or give them a call. Since discovering a few bugs myself, I've at least felt better at knowing I've let SF know of any problems:

The process is rather lengthy, but we all win in the end when SF knows of any problems users are having.

-If you've got problems with stuttering during playback, try taking a look at the playback buffering option (under Options>Preferences>Audio tab). Increase the number to around 1 or even 2 seconds (the max). Lots of users who have similar problems are reportedly happier increasing their buffering rate, especially those with lots of projects containing multiple tracks and effects.

-The Zoom Tool is now located in the lower right of the Track View window. Unfortunately, there isn't a shortcut that I know of, though I wouldn't mind having it back myself. There are still some keyboard shortcuts:

Up/Down Arrow: Zoom In/Zoom Out Time in Track View

Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down Arrow: Zoom In/Zoom Out Track Height

If you have a wheel on your mouse, there are some additional shortcuts:

Mouse Wheel Up: Zoom In/Zoom Out Time (Same as Up/Down Arrow)

Shift+Mouse Wheel Up/Down: Move Track View Right/Left

Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Up/Down: Move Track View Up/Down

Ctrl+Shift+Mouse Wheel Up/Down: Moves cursor in Track View to next line in grid. (Snapping must be on and must specify under Options>Grid Spacing the desired value.)


Subject:RE: Differences between Acid 2.0 and 3.0
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:7/5/2001 1:33:59 PM

- In ACID 2.0 I can solo any number of tracks, and on the Edit menu I can mix them to a new track
where is that in 3.0 ?

It is now listed under the "Tools" menu as "Render to new track".

- Where did the capability to press the Z key for zoom go to in ACID 3.0 ?

The "Z" key when pressed with "Ctrl" is the shortcut for undo. The up and down arrow keys are the keyboard shortcuts for zooming in and out. This was the same in version 2.0.


Subject:RE: Differences between Acid 2.0 and 3.0
Reply by: 1daat
Date:7/6/2001 9:03:47 AM

Once again thanks to all out there on this forum for the help and support ! much appreciated ! Good tips, now I have to get back to work..


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