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Subject:crashes here is what I get
Posted by: TomBaker
Date:6/23/2001 1:32:26 PM

ACID caused an invalid page fault in
module ACID.EXE at 0167:004ae6a8.
EAX=7b5a6179 CS=0167 EIP=004ae6a8 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=7b5a6179 SS=016f ESP=0248fed4 EBP=00000000
ECX=0225fc8c DS=016f ESI=0080005c FS=0fa7
EDX=00092f6d ES=016f EDI=00000000 GS=0f06
Bytes at CS:EIP:
8b 83 d0 00 00 00 85 c0 7e 1f 56 8d 73 5c 8b 06
Stack dump:
00000000 00800000 004ae6c2 7b5a6179 0afe3fd0 00b39d00 0008f53c 004b2f62 00800000 0afe3fd0 004b59c7 0225fc8c 0afe3fd0 000ac287 00000000 0225fc8c

can anybody help or suggest something!?!?!?!?!

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/23/2001 1:50:31 PM


Need more info

System type
Memory amnt.
Sound Card Type
Video Card Type
Hard Drive Type And Speed (RPM)
Mother Board
Windows Version
What Programs Running In Background:
Antivirus? System Utilities?

Also right click My Computer and select properties And select performanceand check Free Resources %?

I'll check back later

See ya

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: TomBaker
Date:6/23/2001 2:07:27 PM

System type pc
Memory amnt. 768 megs
Speed 1000mhz athlon
Sound Card Type Lexicon core2
Video Card Type agp nvidia geforce2 32meg ram
Hard Drive Type And Speed (RPM)ata100 ide 7200 rpm all
Mother Board asus a7v
Windows Version win98se

What Programs Running In Background:
Antivirus? System Utilities? none

Also right click My Computer and select properties And select performanceand check Free Resources %?
with the current project and in acid pro 3.0 free resources free is 88%

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/23/2001 5:11:58 PM


Looks like your system is in top shape,

Did you install Acid in default directory?
Do you run Asus probe and if so what is your CPU temp?

You can also try uninstalling Acid and Delete the Sonic Foundry Setup> Acid 3.0 directory, and delete the Sonic Foundry Acid 3.0 directory, then do clean reinstall with only Systray and Explorer running.

Try that and get back with those questions.

One other thing is to run Acid on clean boot.
To do this go to start> programs> accessories> system tools> system information, Then go to tools and run system config utilitiy, click the startup tab and uncheck all the boxes then reboot, after rebooting you get warning click ok, then run Acid if it runs ok then it's conflicting with something running at startup. After you do this test you need to go back in system config and put back check boxes.

Let me know what happens.

See ya

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: TomBaker
Date:6/23/2001 9:37:23 PM

Did you install Acid in default directory? YES
Do you run Asus probe and if so what is your CPU temp? 149 F

You can also try uninstalling Acid and Delete the Sonic Foundry Setup> Acid 3.0 directory, and delete the Sonic Foundry Acid 3.0 directory, then do clean reinstall with only Systray and Explorer running. Did it and it did not work.

Try that and get back with those questions.

One other thing is to run Acid on clean boot.
To do this go to start> programs> accessories> system tools> system information, Then go to tools and run system config utilitiy, click the startup tab and uncheck all the boxes then reboot, after rebooting you get warning click ok, then run Acid if it runs ok then it's conflicting with something running at startup. After you do this test you need to go back in system config and put back check boxes. tried it didn't work still crashed

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/23/2001 11:41:00 PM


Your CPU temp is too high and that will cause these crashes look at asus web site reguarding a7v and athalon cpu burndown there is a known issue with amd athalon CPUs and overheating they have some fan recomendations, The Athalon CPU actually draws twice the current of Pentium CPUs causing them to run much hotter you need to get the temp down to about 115 at the most. Your computer will run great the first few minutes then start to have problems, They have actually had CPUs burndown in less than one minute.

Here is the site about the issue:

Good Luck I hope this helps.

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: TomBaker
Date:6/23/2001 11:55:53 PM

Your computer will run great the first few minutes then start to have problems, This is exactly what happens! I am using an amd approved fan , I think

any suggestions as to the very best fan?

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/24/2001 12:14:34 AM

Yeah They say that alot of fans are athalon approved but they don't cool good. The only one I was able to get the temp down with is the Orb with an RPM of about 7000 or more. But a friend of mine got his down with a 4500 RPM Fan. You also need to make sure you use heat sink compound on the die of the CPU. That web site has some fan links at it check em out.

See ya

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: spesimen
Date:6/28/2001 12:13:36 PM

incidentally, i'm using an athlon with a temp of 112-115F, and still get various crashes with acid 3... but there's no question 149F is too high. just keep in mind that there are still a few bugs left to be squished in there too.

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: MyST
Date:6/30/2001 10:06:58 PM

From my personal experience, one fan for the Athlon isn't enough. With a good fan on the processor, I would still get crashes. I had a fan added to the front of my tower, bringing cool(room temp)air into the case, and one added at the back, exhausting hot air out of the tower. I haven't had a crash since.
These are reletively cheap, and they definitely help protect your CPU.
Hope this helps...

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: krlill
Date:7/2/2001 7:49:55 PM

I notice you have 768 megs of ram. Win98se has problems with more than 512 megs. Also the Asus A7v is finicky with generic ram and different ram sticks mixed together. Good luck!


Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: 1daat
Date:7/3/2001 6:27:21 AM

Excuse my ignorance, but where can you get a good fan for the front of your tower ?

Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: MyST
Date:7/3/2001 5:37:27 PM

I'll try to get hold of my retailer when he gets back from vacation. He should remember which supplier he got it from.


Subject:RE: crashes here is what I get
Reply by: MyST
Date:7/3/2001 8:40:36 PM

1daat... Check your e-mail, I sent you a picture of the inside of my tower. Couldn't make out part number on the fan. When I get in touch with my retailer, I'll get back to you.

Re: crashes here...
Keeping in mind that I'm not a computer whiz, a thought just accured to me.
Since Athlons are known for using up quite a bit of power, is it possible that the problem might be the case's power supply cutting out?
Just a thought.


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