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Subject:Problems with MIDI and Audio tracks in same song
Posted by: joshc57
Date:7/22/2010 8:07:36 AM

Hey everyone,

I have ACID MS7, and I've had a problem for a while that I've finally given up on trying to figure out myself.

Whenever I am recording music, I am restricted to using either only audio tracks or only MIDI tracks in the same song (with various SoftSynths, VSTis and Soundfonts of course). This is because whenever I try to create a song with both MIDI and audio tracks, the MIDI signal is always present, even when the audio track is selected, armed, and soloed - I still always hear whatever instrument is on channel one of my MIDI setup, when I'm trying to record from the audio source/line in.

For example, I'll have a Strings patch coming from my Motif through an audio track, and a couple of Edirol horns also in the song, on MIDI tracks. If I try to record a pass using the Strings, no matter if they're the only tracked selected and armed, I will always hear the MIDI horns, until I disable the channel, which of course means I can't hear the rest of my song when I'm recording.

I've tried fixing this on 3 different computers on 3 different operating systems (XP SP2, Vista SP1, and Win7), with two different audio/MIDI setups (a Casio CTK800 controller and a direct line-in, and a Yamaha Motif XS routed through a TASCAM US-122mkII Audio/MIDI USB mixer) and every time, no matter what I do, I still have this problem. I'm going to send a support request to Sony, but I thought I'd check here first. System/Setup specs are below.

If anyone has any advice or could give me some help on this, I'd really appreciate it.


Current System Specs:
Sony Acid Music Studio 7.0a (latest build)
Yamaha Motif XS6
TASCAM US-122mkII USB Soundboard/Mixer
Windows 7 64-bit
Intel Core i5 750 Quad-Core @ 2.6mhz
ATI HD 5770 1GB
WD Caviar 500 GB HDD

Hope this helps.

Subject:RE: Problems with MIDI and Audio tracks in same song
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:7/22/2010 12:11:17 PM

Hi Josh,

The one thing that always throws me off when working with MIDI is assuring those tracks (and the hardware) are routed properly.

Are you controlling the Edirol horns with the Motif? If so, try shutting off the Motif as input (using the MIDI input button in the track list; set it to "Input Off").


Subject:RE: Problems with MIDI and Audio tracks in same song
Reply by: pwppch
Date:7/23/2010 8:57:49 AM

Please fill out your system specs in your user profile and marke them as visible.

Could you explain exactly how your hardware is set up and how your MIDI tracks are routed to hardware/software?

My guess is that you have MIDI tracks that are routed to soft-synths listening to all MIDI input channels. Simply marking them to listen to a MIDI channel that the Motif is sending on during the recording of audio - or telling the Motif NOT to send MIDI data - should solve this.


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