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Subject:Missing RIFF files??
Posted by: VinylBoy
Date:6/27/2001 5:22:49 PM

This is VERY upsetting...
As I was making the finishing touches on a mix in Acid, my PC crashed during playback. Now when I reboot and try to open the file, I get an error message that says that the file is either corrupted or an unknown format, and that it is missing a necessary RIFF file.

I don't want to lose over 5 days of work... what on earth can I do to fix this???

Subject:RE: Missing RIFF files??
Reply by: sroughley
Date:6/27/2001 5:58:59 PM

This happened to me twice when Acid2.0 kept crashing. Unfortunately I had to rewrite a track that I had been working on for one and a half months!!! I was absolutely PISSED!!! After that I made a back up of every track I made with that program. However, if you are using Acid3.0 there will be a back up made every time you save a track. I.E. songName.acd-bak. I know this is no help, but at least you know you are not alone! :=)

Subject:RE: Missing RIFF files??
Reply by: DataCowboy
Date:6/29/2001 11:57:34 PM

Check the file size that Windows reports for the file. It most likely is 0 bytes or (0K). If this is the case, the file is gone and can not be recovered.


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