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Subject:Rendering Levels are all screwy in Acid 3!
Posted by: Gin0
Date:6/20/2001 2:05:10 PM

First off I'd like to say. I really wish Acid had a spectrum anylizer. Its new effects/plugins feature is great with all the fancy eqing you can do but you still can't monitor the spectrum visually while its playing. I have to mixdown and load it into winamp so I can view the spectrum as it plays.

One thing I have noticed while doing this is that the levels are extremely low in winamp whenever I render something out of Acid.

However my levels in acid are all in the green bordering yellow. Never in the red.

But if I crank the master so that it redlines it actually ends up sounding pretty good with proper levels in winamp.

So is Acid showing inacurate levels? All the other music I download off the internet shows proper levels in winamp.

Is there a way to fine tune Acid's levels?

I have a PIII with an MAudio Delta 1010 sound card.

Subject:RE: Rendering Levels are all screwy in Acid 3!
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:6/21/2001 9:31:13 AM

If you are rendering your files when the levels are "where green meets yellow", the levels are going to be pretty weak. At that point on the meters, you are at about -12dB to -9dB. Most commercially released audio CD's are at either -3dB or -6dB. Don't worry about the colors of the meter, pay more attention to the numbers on the right side. You can go all the way up to 0.0 without clipping, and that is in the red.


Subject:RE: Rendering Levels are all screwy in Acid 3!
Reply by: spesimen
Date:6/21/2001 1:58:42 PM

i haven't seen any programs that let you monitor the spectrum while it's playing by themselves.

there are plugins you can put in the chain that let you do this, however.

the SC plugins include something like that, although those are VST-based. i'm pretty sure i saw a directx one at some point but i don't remember.

Subject:RE: Rendering Levels are all screwy in Acid 3!
Reply by: Markleford
Date:6/27/2001 2:30:37 PM

You might be getting inconsistent levels between rendering and preview if you're using submix busses. This is related to another bug I've reported pertaining to rendering audio using FX with submix busses. This is slated to be fixed in an update.

- m

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