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Subject:ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media files...?
Date:6/20/2001 9:55:08 PM

My recently purchased ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media file. It does not show any media files in the Exporer window, not even from the content CD that acompanied the product.
I have ACID Music 2.0 and it works fine. It can retrieve all media types, including the ones on the content CD for ACID pro 3.0.
Help please! I have become quite disenchanted with my upgrade...

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media files...?
Reply by: MyST
Date:6/20/2001 10:30:04 PM

If it's a registered copy, send tech support an e-mail.
While you wait for an answer, try downloading an 8-pack from Unzip the file to a folder. You should be able to load Acid 3.0 by double-clicking on the file with the "A" in the icon.
Once Acid comes up, you should see the explorer window. Find your folder, and there you should find 8 loops ready to use.
Good luck!


Subject:Update: ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media files...?
Date:6/21/2001 1:16:40 AM

In response to "Mickser",
Indeed it is a registered copy and an e-mail has already been sent to tech support...awaiting response.
As I am, and have been a user of Sonic Foundry products for years (including the Acid family), I thought that I would be more proficient in utilizing my Acid 3 upgrade than say a "newbee".
Your response got me thinking about file-paths, and with a 'lil cut'n'paste I was able to bring an acd. file into the same directory as the A3 app. but...
Here is where it got weird. Upon opening the project file, I was instructed to insert the A3 Application disc, so that setup could be completed. When I did this, it proceeded to install a second copy of Acid Pro 3.0 and accompanying programs, to the main directory of my slave HD. Why did it do this? How do I get rid of the extra copy? Which copy do I dispose of, and how? By the way, My A3 now seems to work properly, though I don't know why...thanx, I think??!!

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media files...?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/21/2001 11:17:46 AM


I would uninstall the program then delete the directories that it created even the setup directory and any additional ones then reinstall.

That should do it

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media files...?
Reply by: MyST
Date:6/21/2001 8:00:24 PM

The content of this message was deleted by the owner.

Subject:Update: ACID PRO 3.0 will not recognize any media files...?
Date:6/26/2001 6:14:28 PM

OK...I got a response from the Tech-support staff, and they suggested that, it could be that the plug-in that A3 uses to open .wav files had somehow become damaged. I was instructed to uninstall and then reinstall Acid 3.0 Pro. I removed all traces as per the last communiqué, then proceeded to reinstall the App. Everything appeared to go smoothly and I was told by the install wizard that all components of A3 had been installed successfully. Upon opening an .acd project I found I had full access to all the media that had been previously unattainable, but upon further testing it became clear that the FX plug-ins were no longer operating. In fact they aren't available in any application, such as Sound Forge, Vegas, etc...What is going on? I keep getting a message that the .DLL file can't be located or is corrupted. How do I fix this without having to go though the uninst/reinst. process again?

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