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Subject:Sterio Recording
Posted by: bignose
Date:6/25/2001 6:55:55 AM

I'm new to SF and when I try to record using sterio
SF only records through one channel. Selecting mono
fixes this, but obviously I want to record vinyl
using sterio. Anyone know how to fix this? I
have SF 4.5, and a Soundblaster 128PCI card.

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:6/25/2001 9:58:41 AM

Make sure you are using a stereo cable and that you are connecting the stereo outs from the back of the tapedeck or amp.

The kind of cable you need has stereo RCA plugs on one end and a 1/4 plug on the other for the soundcard.

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/25/2001 11:23:56 AM

I don't have an answer for you, but I do have the exact same problem.

Another person replyed with an obvious response: "make sure you have a stereo source plugged into your sound card", but this isn't actually the problem...

I am plugging a stereo source into the PCI128 line it, and SF is only picking up one of the channels and dumping that channel into both channels (I don't the channels are being summed).

You can try a couple of things to confirm this.
First - with SF in record/monitor mode, unplug in turn the plugs from your audio source. If your problem is the same as mine, you'll notice unplugging the right channel makes no difference, while unplugging the left channel kills both left and right channel in SF. Seems to me SF is taking the LEFT channel and dumping it into BOTH the left and right channel.

Now here is where it gets weird. Plug headphones into your speaker out on the PCI128 and what do ya know? Stereo! Both channels in all their glory. Now you can rule out not getting a true stereo source to the PCI128...

So anybody have any thoughts on the problem????

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: homerg
Date:6/25/2001 1:07:23 PM

I don't think sound cards take 1/4" jacks, I think you mean mini jack.

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:6/25/2001 2:05:05 PM


Your problem is that YOU ARE NOT USING A STEREO CABLE. The way you can tell if it is stereo is that the mini plug will have TWO bands around it.

Some people attempt to use the mic jack on the soundcard. You must use the line in. Some people attempt to use the headphone output on the tape deck or amp. That will not work either!

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/25/2001 2:41:20 PM

Beatlefan - thanks for your thoughts, but no, it's not a stereo vs. mono plug issue.

It is a stereo plug. (I was a recording engineer for over 6 years with about a dozen commercial records under my belt - I do understand these things :-)

I tried to make this clear, perhaps you did not read all my previous post. Here's the section where I rule this possibility out:

>Now here is where it gets weird. Plug headphones into >your speaker out on the PCI128 and what do ya know? >Stereo! Both channels in all their glory. Now you can >rule out not getting a true stereo source to the
> PCI128...

A mono source into the PCI128 would not result in stereo on the PCI128 line out jack.

Thanks for your input, but in MY case it is NOT a stereo vs mono input jack problem.


Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:6/25/2001 5:33:24 PM

Here's my only thought. If you where a recording engineer for 6 years, then you should know better than to use a Sound Blaster sound card to record audio. If you're using a sound blaster sound card for professional work, then I bet you are the only professional that is. Sound Forge uses the driver of your soundcard to record audio. Did you make sure you've got the best driver selected in the Sound Forge Preferences? I would bet the problem is the sound blaster driver, go check for an updated driver or better yet....go to ebay and sell that sound card and maybe you'll be lucky to get the 2 dollars it's worth for it.

Oh and by the way "Sterio" is actually spelled "Stereo".

Brian Franz

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:6/25/2001 6:16:45 PM

Asumming all of the settings are correct in the mixer and in SF, have you investigated a defective card?

BTW, no offense, but why is a pro using a SB128?

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/26/2001 3:15:11 PM


Thanks for the constructive post!!!

First - I am transferring from a Mac/Pro tools based system to a PC based system. I am using the SB PCI128 card, cause that's what I borrowed from a friend! I am evaluating hardware right now. Can't I use this card in the mean time?

Second - you are correcting the wrong person on the spelling of sterio (sic). If you would follow the thread back to the original post, you would see I was simply adding some comments to the original post that spelled stereo "sterio"

Agin Bryan, thanks for your constructive and helpful thoughts!


Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/26/2001 3:19:13 PM


thanks - perhaps the card is defective, I don't care that much as (to answer your second question) I am evaluating hardware right now. I am transferring from a Mac/Pro tools system and borrowed the PCI128 from a friend to listen to MP3's until I buy some quality hardware.

My main point in jumping in here (remember - I am NOT the original poster) was to simply let the original poster know I was having the same problems.

Thanks again.

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/26/2001 4:38:19 PM

Hi Brian

I'm also wondering what pro work has to do with what you use at home? When I work for money I use SADiE and Pro Tools and good old fashioned 2 inch tape. What do you use?

It's not really feasible for most people to use real "pro" gear at home. What do you use that's so "pro" in your bedroom? Or do you mean semi-pro? Not that home studio stuff can't sound great. I have a Mac/Pro tools setup that sounds fantastic at home. But I am curious about what you consider gear worthy of being used in your home set up. Are you using Apogee converters? Or perhaps you're using something more "affordable"?

Thanks - Tim

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: beetlefan
Date:6/26/2001 5:45:24 PM

We're talking about sound quality. Most pros I know get used to a certain standard of sound and take that home with them. Also, you'd think that someone who says they have for hits under their belt could afford something better. But we know most MUSICIANS don't care about sound quality...

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:6/29/2001 11:24:34 AM

I usually use the most affordable gear that gives me the best quality. Sound Blaster cards are designed for gamers. There A/D quality in recording is usually very bad, this is to save on cost. The result is very noisy recordings. I personally use in my studio and at home Echo's Gina cards. Many people will argue that these are not the best cards...and I will agree...but they are way better than any sound blaster. They have met all my critical expectations. The best thing that I like about these, is that you can cascade them and use more than 1 on your PC. Thus as your budget grows you can expand rather than having to buy all new hardware. I'm currently running 2 gina cards and this gives me 4 analog inputs, 4 digital inputs, 16 analog outputs and 4 digital outputs. That's a lot of I/O for a PC. These 2 cards ran me approx. $600 and give me superior studio quality sound. Compare that to a comparable protools hardware interface and you're in the $8K range. I've used both and cannot make a sonic difference between the 2. Echo also makes the Mona, which is about a $175 soundcard. There is another card that I have heard good things about, it's a new company....sorry I forgot their name..hammerville? or something. I heard there cards are great and very inexpensive. One word of advice from one engineer to don't want to ever admit that you're using a sound blaster card to do recording and then call yourself a professional sound engineer. It's definitely an oxy moron.

Brian Franz

Subject:RE: Sterio Recording
Reply by: synthman1128
Date:6/30/2001 12:56:37 AM

hey rednroll,

let me know if you hear more info about this soundcard that's coming out. btw, oxymoron is one word.


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