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Subject:Random Rendering Problem!!!
Posted by: sroughley
Date:6/25/2001 7:07:49 PM

Firstly I would like to say: I have recently made the switch from 2 to 3.0 and am amazed!!! Everything I wished Acid 2 featured has been created in Acid 3!!!
Unfortunately though, I have rendered my first track from Acid 3 to a .wav file and found that all of the track levels are WAY out! The drums, bass, and synth leads (all are sent to respective busses) are very quiet but the vocals (which are not sent to any bus) are very loud! So loud, in fact, that they cause distortion so severe that it sounds like a very loud high pitch tone! I am running several effects from TimeWorks and TC as well as a few of the SF effects. Could any of these be causing the problem???
Plz Help!!!

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