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Subject:SF 5 crashes when accessing Audio Plugin Chainer
Posted by: timmcallister
Date:6/25/2001 11:40:45 AM

Just wiped and reinstalled Win 2K on my PC yesterday.

Reinstalled SF 5, and Waves plugins.

First time I open and use SF 5 it displays all the SF Direct X plugin ins (Sonic Foundry Distortion, Chorus, etc), as well as all the Waves plugins, under the Direct X menu. I did use the audio chainer and it worked (very slow, but it did work) I don't recall what I did, but SF 5 crashed within minutes.

I restared it and found ALL the sonic foundry plugin were gone from the direct x menu, but the waves plug ins were still there. Next I try and access the Audio Plugin Chainer and boom - it crashes (see dump below). I uninstall SF 5 and reinstall, trying to access audio chainer results in same crash.

So I get out my old SF 4.5 cd and install it. Everything works fine with it. All the Sonic foundry and wave plug ins are there and the audio chainer works. Back to SF 5, still doesn't work. Crashes every time.

Thanks - Tim

Sound Forge
Version 5.00.117 ()
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0xE IP:0x1C401A35
In Module 'Qn.dll' at Address 0x1C400000 + 0x1A35
Thread: GUI ID=0x36C Stack=0x12E000-0x130000
EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=1c401a35 EFLGS=00250282
EBX=0191d530 SS=0023 ESP=0012ec64 EBP=0191cb08
ECX=0012f428 DS=0023 ESI=01b941e0 FS=003b
EDX=00000002 ES=0023 EDI=01b93fd8 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
1C401A35: 0F BF 48 0E 8B 93 98 00 ..H.....
1C401A3D: 00 00 8B 52 18 89 8A D0 ...R....
Stack Dump:
0012EC64: 0191CB24 01910000 + CB24
0012EC68: 001498A8 00130000 + 198A8
0012EC6C: 00000000
0012EC70: 00000000
0012EC74: 3FC00000
0012EC78: 3FD00000
0012EC7C: 00650053 005F0000 + 60053 (sfs4rw.DLL)
0012EC80: 00740074 00740000 + 74
0012EC84: 006E0069 006E0000 + 69
0012EC88: 00730067 00710000 + 20067
0012EC8C: 00000000
0012EC90: 77FC9A50 77F80000 + 49A50 (ntdll.dll)
0012EC94: 77FC9A67 77F80000 + 49A67 (ntdll.dll)
0012EC98: 00000000
0012EC9C: 001498A8 00130000 + 198A8
0012ECA0: 00000000
> 0012ECD0: 77A7BA90 77A50000 + 2BA90 (ole32.dll)
> 0012ECD4: 77A7BA68 77A50000 + 2BA68 (ole32.dll)
> 0012ECF8: 77A7BAF0 77A50000 + 2BAF0 (ole32.dll)
> 0012ECFC: 77A7BAC8 77A50000 + 2BAC8 (ole32.dll)
> 0012ED14: 77A7BB40 77A50000 + 2BB40 (ole32.dll)
> 0012ED18: 77A7BB18 77A50000 + 2BB18 (ole32.dll)
> 0012ED7C: 77A77E4B 77A50000 + 27E4B (ole32.dll)
> 0012ED98: 77E1596D 77E10000 + 596D (USER32.DLL)
> 0012EDAC: 01DD778C 01DC0000 + 1778C (FRGCHAIN.DLL)
0012EDB0: 001301D8 00130000 + 1D8
0012EDB4: 001301D8 00130000 + 1D8
0012EDB8: 00000001
0012EDBC: 00000001
> 0012EDD4: 77A522C0 77A50000 + 22C0 (ole32.dll)
> 0012EDE4: 1C4604CA 1C400000 + 604CA (Qn.dll)
> 0012EDE8: 1C414010 1C400000 + 14010 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EDF8: 1C45F137 1C400000 + 5F137 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE00: 1C414010 1C400000 + 14010 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE18: 1C4140EC 1C400000 + 140EC (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE20: 77E94A02 77E80000 + 14A02 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 0012EE24: 1C40BF6F 1C400000 + BF6F (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE30: 1C404F50 1C400000 + 4F50 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE38: 1C40804E 1C400000 + 804E (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE48: 1C404F39 1C400000 + 4F39 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE50: 1C414000 1C400000 + 14000 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE58: 1C408681 1C400000 + 8681 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE60: 1C414000 1C400000 + 14000 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE70: 1C40BC19 1C400000 + BC19 (Qn.dll)
> 0012EE78: 002F1A54 00230000 + C1A54 (FRGKRN.dll)
> 0012EE7C: 002F1A8F 00230000 + C1A8F (FRGKRN.dll)
0012EE80: 0191D530 01910000 + D530
0012EE84: 0191CB08 01910000 + CB08
0012EE88: 00000000
> 0012EE8C: 01DD778C 01DC0000 + 1778C (FRGCHAIN.DLL)
> 0012EE90: 01DD778C 01DC0000 + 1778C (FRGCHAIN.DLL)
- - -
0012FFF0: 00000000
0012FFF4: 00000000
0012FFF8: 004A84E0 00400000 + A84E0 (forge.exe)
0012FFFC: 00000000

Subject:RE: SF 5 crashes when accessing Audio Plugin Chainer
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:6/26/2001 10:12:40 AM

Please download and install Sound Forge 5.0b from the following link:

This update specifically addresses plug-in issues as well as some other bug fixes.


Subject:RE: SF 5 crashes when accessing Audio Plugin Chainer
Reply by: timmcallister
Date:6/26/2001 3:03:16 PM

This problem has been fixed.

5.0b did not solve the problem, but upgrading the Waves plugin themselves did solve the problem.

Thanks to sonic support for helping.


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