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Subject:Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Posted by: S N C
Date:6/15/2001 12:37:03 AM

Apologies for starting a new thread on this, but I wanted to stare at something a little

more positive every time I came into the forum. :-)

Ok Mr. F, I now think I know what your problem is. Here is my guess:

Briefly, your motherboard is only capable of working in Ultra/33 mode maximum. Your HDD

will try to always work in Ultra/66 mode. Due to a quirk of Windows 98, it recognizes the

superior capability of the hdd, but not the bottleneck of your mobo.

So, what happens is that instructions from windows get to the hdd fine (it doesn't care how

slowly you talk to it)...unfortunately it is trying to pump data back at twice the speed the

motherboard can cope with. Result = misery. In fact, in some situations like this Windows

will only ever boot up in Safe Mode - if at all.

Here is what I suggest you do:
- Get that fancy 80-cond cable out of your machine pronto and replace it with the 40-cond

cable that nature (or at least Abit) intended.
- Look in your hdd documentation (or website) for instructions or a utility to wind the hdd

drive down to Ultra/33 mode.
- If you cannot work this out, then rather than go through the bios making sure that

everything reads 'Auto' find the primary master DMA mode parameter and see if you can set it

to Ultra/33 mode.
- If you cannot do that, search the web for other tips. Use something like 'Ultra/66 mode

problems in windows 98' or similar.

Interestingly, I think that if one of the above works you would probably not get much more

than a 7000 drive index under Sandra. I bet you will see a lot less problems with Acid


Saving up for a new processor etc. would be a waste of money for you. With your current

Memory, CPU and HDD you will get much better value by replacing the motherboard.

Even though you may still not be convinced, I now feel very comfortable that your problems

lie with your hardware rather than with Acid.

Good luck.

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/15/2001 6:00:42 AM

Hi there !

>>>Rockitglider scroll down please !)

For S N C :

>- Get that fancy 80-cond cable out of your machine >pronto and replace it with the 40-cond cable that
>nature (or at least Abit) intended.

Pronto, si ! Done...

>- Look in your hdd documentation (or website) for >instructions or a utility to wind the hdd drive down >to Ultra/33 mode.

Well Fujitsu support really s*ck, and the only utility they're giving is a software called Disk Go ! to see your HDD's status (wow!), and to make partitions (i don't need any)

>- If you cannot work this out, then rather than go >through the bios making sure that everything >reads 'Auto' find the primary master DMA mode >parameter and see if you can set it to Ultra/33 mode.

Well when i start up my engine, you know after calculating the RAM memory, and displaying the bios version and other stuff, DOS displays a little Frame with information on your peripherals. And i saw that it said for my HDD "UDMA 33". So maybe it's ok ! Anyway i didn't see any option in the bios to change from Ultra/66 to Ultra/33 in my Award Bios.

- If you cannot do that, search the web for other tips. Use something like 'Ultra/66 mode problems in windows 98' or similar.

I didn't find anything, i looked on the most popular Search engine (in english or french), but it doesn't talk at all about the Ultra DMA 66/33 issues on Win 98.

For Rockitglider :

Ok it seems like what i've print from your explaination is exactly the bios i have (cool eh ?). And according to the settings you gave me, i haven't got to change anything ! All that you've writted is the same in, my BIOS config.
And i really appriciated this help, it must have been hard for you to write all these settings ! thanx again !

Conclusion :

maybe i shouldn't seek any further... Maybe i should give up with acid shouldn't I ?

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/15/2001 12:09:27 PM

I understand everything is the same in your bios because I was going by your version.

What I wanted you to do is redetect your hard drives with the 80 cond. cable installed

You need to set everything to auto in you drive settings then redetect your drives under hard drive detection and with the 80 conductor cable installed it won't hurt your system to use that cable and it might detect the drive better.

See ya

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/15/2001 9:49:30 PM

Please S N C,
Reply to my previous message :).

I'm kind of blocked on ACID 3.0 now that i have this stuttering / playback delay issue since 2 weeks.

I can see i'm not the only one having this problem so if we find out the point it'll resolve a lot of people's issue.

PS: i alsaw found a page on microsof's website but i didn't understand anything, but i saw some keywords that might interest you :

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: S N C
Date:6/16/2001 7:50:48 AM

This is from Fujitsu IDA HDD FAQ:

Q. Windows 98 would not enable DMA access for my MPD3xxxAT hard disk drive. What shall I do ?[top]

A. I have installed Windows 98 to my MPD3xxxAT with Ultra DMA Mode 4 capability. After re-booting my system, the DMA box opened through Control Panel has no check. That is, Windows 98 would not enable DMA access. And, the performance is slower than disk drive with Ultra DMA Mode 2.
This phenomenon only occurs in the specific system environment configured with some of motherboards and certain version of system BIOS.

If you faced this problem, you need to upgrade your system BIOS. Please contact your motherboard and/or system BIOS manufacturer for more details. could try to upgrade the BIOS on your mobo.

These results are from a Deja search (all showing similar symptoms):,4&seekm=qXaf3.245%24H5.135%40wards#p,4&

The Microsoft kb article you referred to in your note was completely irrelevant. I'm afraid that I am tempted to think that if you couldn't work that out then our ability to help you fix your problem is going to be severly limited.

I stick by my earlier advice that your best approach is to upgrade your motherboard to something made this century. If you really don't want to do this then find a local computer club or store or something and take your existing computer along as a challenge for them to fix.

Good luck.

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/16/2001 8:40:57 AM

The latest version of that bios is version 2. I think you only have version 1.

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/16/2001 11:42:37 AM

Rockitglidah pleez scroll down :-)

For S N C :
> could try to upgrade the BIOS on your mobo.

Well I flashed my bios recently to the latest version they were giving on the Abit Website, with no improve from acid 3.0.

So Maybe i should flash DOWN to an old bios version that only supports UDMA 33 ?

I read the thread you gave me in your message. Pretty interesting thow, but they all came to the conclusion that they had to flash their mobo didn't they ? So this is really what i have to do, flash DOWN my mobo :).

The next buy i'll do is a definitly a Mobo, but i'll try that for the moment.

For R O C K I T G L I D E R :
Well now i don't understand. On the ABIT website i've flashed with what they call "the latest" bios flash file (with the flash prog, that you put on a floppy disk too).

Ok i'll look for a Award Bios Flash prog...

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: S N C
Date:6/16/2001 10:30:56 PM

Flash away.

If you go down too much, I guess there is a chance that the BIOS will stop recognising your cpu. In that case you may need to get a new motherboard anyway.

By the way, we never heard if you are overclocking this machine or not....what speed are you running your FSB? Do you have a funny clock multiplier?

Subject:RE: Helping Fadengo get his groove back
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/17/2001 6:43:41 AM

Hi there,

Well i don't overclock at all my machine, not even my graphic card. Because i think that if i do it, i'm gonna burn someting in it.

PS: I found a website for my Award Bios where you can download a lil' prog so it gets the info of your Award Bios version and stuff, then when you clic on the "Update" button of this software it go on the web and asks you to send a mail form so the company tells you what update to download ! I'm still waiting for the mail (they said 24 hours at max).

If THIS was the issue, i hope it'll be wrote down in the knowledge base section :).

Hope it'll resolve my issue


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