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Subject:Issue still not resolved :(
Posted by: Zacchino
Date:6/13/2001 3:53:01 PM

Hi it's me again. I know that i'm being annoying to the other forum users, and that i'm scarying new consumers that would like to buy this software... I'm sorry !

But my issue hasn't been resolved.

Ok Rockitglider i checked the DMA Box but even if when i hit the playback button i thought it was going to work, the stuttering issue is still there unfortunatly.

And once S N C said something that really might be the point of the problem:

"given that he has a hobbyist mobo my personal bet is that he built the machine himself, and for some reason (cable???) the disk is working in PIO rather than UDMA mode"

What should i do to make my drive working in the UDMA instead of the PIO Mode ? (I posted a page about my bios to show you the page that may change the pio/udma thing, didn't i ?)

best regards,

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: S N C
Date:6/13/2001 4:22:29 PM

maybe not resolved yet, but I think we are getting there.

There are 2 lines in the SiSoft info you posted that are very suspicious:

Warning W2533 Processor 1 : Disabled host controllers are present. Check BIOS settings.
Tip T1822 Isaac (C:) : DMA transfers improve performance. Enable it if possible.

At least to me these imply that not only is your hdd not working in UDMA mode, but possibly that you are in PIO mode with multiple-word DMA mode disabled.

In technical terms this would be a BAD THING. And, it could definately result in the problems you are seeing in ACID.

Sadly, I have a day job and I will probably not be able to post here again until the weekend. Maybe someone else in the forum can pick up the thread and help you get this sorted the meantime, here is some more stuff to try out:

- Run the SiSoft Sandra disk benchmark. When you get your result, post which of the reference benchmarks you most closely resemble.

- Try to find a friend who is knowledgeable with tweaking pc's to see if he can get the dma mode enabled on your hdd. Take the thing into a local pc store and ask them to check the hdd dma. If you have no friends or nearby stores, try doing some research yourself - you could do worse than start here:

- Check that cable again!!!! Your last response was not clear....if you are using a 40 wire cable for a UDMA drive you will never get UDMA mode. If you do have a proper 80 wire cable, it does end in exactly the same IDE connector and will fit your mobo.

btw...I build my own pc's because I enjoy doing it - not because I have to. Regardless of this I understand that even after many years of 'rolling my own' I still screw up on simple things that can take me weeks to sort out. From experience if I have a problem with a software package I usually assume that I did something with my hardware that I need to fix - rather than an issue with the software. I know your first language is not English, but please try to keep future posts a little more positive (or at least neutral) as far as ACID is concerned.

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/13/2001 6:47:28 PM


Good you found the DMA check box now you need to have a 80 Concuctor IDE cable with 40 pin connector they sell them at most computer shops just tell them you need an 80 conductor IDE cable for UDMA Transfer for your hard drives it plugs in to the same IDE buss on your Mother Board as the other ones (Same size connector.

And did you reinstall Direct X 8.0a?

Let me know how it goes

I also need to know what type of BIOS your computer has so I can tell you how to maualy set the HDD perameters so to be sure that DMA will work

And one more thing even though we do all these things you will most likely still have to keep your buffer set at around 100.

See ya

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/14/2001 7:08:47 AM

For S N C :
Ok here's a screenshot of my HDD's Benchmark :

For S N C and Rockitglider :
And here's an explaination of my cable issue :
(After i've found that issue, i made a hole into the udma 66/100 cable to fit it into my motherboard's connector, is that bad ?)

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/14/2001 1:46:45 PM


If your talking about removing the plastic that blocks one pin in the middle thats ok.

See ya

BTW is it working anybetter?

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/14/2001 2:05:39 PM

From the last note about adding an extra hole into a UDMA cable, I'm surprised that things work as well as they do.

There's a specific reason that they have a pin hole blocked out--so that people don't mistakenly try to connect an 80 conductor UDMA cable up to a non-UDMA IDE connection.

It looks like your motherboard does not have UDMA IDE ports integrated. To make this work, you have a few options: 1) Use an IDE 40-pin cable to connect your HD to your mobo, and not take full advantage of your UDMA hard drive; 2) Get something like a Promise UDMA66 or UDMA100 controller card that can attach to one of your PCI slots; 3) Replace your motherboard with a motherboard that has integrated UDMA; 4) perhaps something else...

Actually, I partially rescind some of the above. After some research, it looks like an 80 conductor cable can be used with the pin hole knocked out, but if trying to use a UDMA mode on a mobo that doesn't support it, you're still likely to have some strange behavior.

Also, a good place to go for information on this is,, and

If you do go with option 3 above, make sure that the blue end is attached to the board/controller, and that you're not connecting the drive to the middle of the cable. Whether you end up going with 40 conductor or 80 conductor, be sure to line pin 1 of the cable up to pin 1 of the connector--there's generally a red-stripe there to show which side of the cable is which, or the hole for pin 20 is covered up so you know which way to plug it in.

Hope this helps.

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/14/2001 2:20:13 PM

For Rockitglider:
>BTW is it working anybetter?
No :(

For Sonic Djay J:
Well i don't understand why my friend who has a 40 wires cable to plug his HDD on his motherboard has his Acid Pro 3.0 running normally and not me ! So maybe the cable thing ain't even the issue ! And if i need to change something, the next buy i'll do is a new P4 Mobo, and a Pentium 4 1.3 Go when i have enough money to do it.
But at the moment i don't want to change my hardware for only a software that already cost me alot !


Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/14/2001 5:42:10 PM


Even after you put the cable in I told you we still need to make some changes in the bios and I still need to know what type and version of bios your mother board has, you see that on the fist screen at boot up you might have to reboot a few times to get all the info it sometimes goes by too fast to read, also write down any numbers.

I don't know if the sisandra program has that info or not but if it does that would be a good screenshot to post

Let me know

See ya

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/14/2001 6:22:32 PM

-For Rockitglider-
Here's my bios' version :

Award Modular BIOS v4.51 PG, An Energy Star Ally
Copyright (C) 1984-99, Award Software, Inc

Green AGP/PCI/ISA System
Pentium III CPU at 550 Mhz
Memory Test : 196 608 K OK

Award Plug and Play BIOS Extension v1.0A
Copyright (C) 1999, Award Software, Inc

Press DEL to enter SETUP, ESC to skip memory test

Subject:RE: Issue still not resolved :(
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/14/2001 10:42:04 PM

First on startup get into BIOS by holding down the delete key whem memory is counting up.
Then use arrow keys to move around, and page up & page down keys to change values, use escape key to exit a menu, and enter key to enter a menu.

Go to Standard CMOS press enter.
Highlight each drive one at a time and set all values to Auto for Hard Disks, then for each drive set Mode to Auto. Do this for all 4 drives even if there already detected and have other settings.
Press escape to get out of that menu.

Then go to IDE HDD Auto Detection, press enter, The drives will start detection process select the selection that has a (Y) next to it for all 4 drives then your done with that menu.

Then go to integrated Peripherals press enter,
On Chip IDE Channel 0= Enabled
On Chip IDE Channel 1= Enabled
Primary Master PIO= Auto
Primary Slave PIO= Auto
Secodary Master PIO= Auto
Secondary Slave PIO= Auto
Primary Master UDMA= Auto
Primary Slave UDMA= Auto
Secondary Master UDMA= Auto
Secondary Slave UDMA= Auto
Press escape your done in there.

Then a few other things to check are,
Bios Features Setup
Virus Warning = Disabled
CPU Internal Cach = Enabled
External Cach = Enabled
CPU L2 Cach ECC Checking = Enabled
Quick Power on self test = Enabled
IDE HDD Block Mode = Enabled
Press escape Your done in there

PNP/PCI Config
PNP OS Installed = No
Resources Controled By = Auto
CPU to PCI Write Buffer = Enabled
PCI Dynamic Bursting = Enabled
PCI Master 0 WS Write = Enabled
PCI Delay Transaction = Enabled
PCI #2 Access #1 Retry = Disabled
AGP Master 1 WS Write = Enabled
AGP Master 1 WS Read = Disabled
Assign IRQ for USB = Enabled
Assign IRQ for VGA = Enabled

Chipset Features
DRAM Clock = Host Clock
Memory Hole = Diabled
Read Around Write = Disabled
Concerent PCI/Host = Disabled
System BIOS Cach = Disabled
Video RAM Cach = Disabled
AGP Aperture Size = 64M
AGP2X Mode = Enabled if your AGP Video card supports it if not sure leave Disabled.
On Chip USB = Enabled

CPU Host Clock = 100/33 MHz

OK Exit out of there and go to
Exit And Save Changes press enter Then Cofirm by entering the letter Y and press enter and reboot.

Try these settings, I think your bios should look very similar to these settings. If your BIOS looks different Don't use then until give me a shout or a screen shot if you can of your bios menu.

This should get your Hard Drives running correctly and everything else too.

See ya

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