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Subject:An Exception Has Occurred
Posted by: aiserock
Date:6/13/2001 10:24:43 AM

Does anybody have this problem? I sometimes download loops with the get media feature on acid3.0 and when I get all of the download I close the window and this little box appears.
An Exception Has Occurred When I try to close the box the silly thing wont go away and then I have to restart my computer to just get this box out of my face. Its not a major deal but it can be annoying.
this is the details message,
Sonic Foundry ACID Pro 3.0
Version 3.0 (Build 189)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x7FB59E61 IP:0x7FB59E61
Thread: GUI ID=0xFFF981BD Stack=0xA50000-0xA60000
EAX=7fb59e61 CS=016f EIP=7fb59e61 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=00a5fd8c SS=0177 ESP=00a50f98 EBP=00a51248
ECX=00000000 DS=0177 ESI=8177e7bc FS=1437
EDX=c002fa58 ES=0177 EDI=81769f3c GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
7FB59E61: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........
7FB59E69: .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........
Stack Dump:
00A50F98: BFF8E214 BFF60000 + 2E214 (KERNEL32.DLL)
00A50F9C: 00A52284 00950000 + 102284
00A50FA0: 00593B58 00400000 + 193B58 (ACID.EXE)
00A50FA4: 00A52284 00950000 + 102284
00A50FA8: 00A5FD8C 00950000 + 10FD8C
00A50FAC: 55555555 35650000 + 1FF05555
00A50FB0: 3FF28555 35650000 + A8D8555
00A50FB4: 00000000
00A50FB8: F0000000
00A50FBC: 00004014
00A50FC0: 00000000
00A50FC4: 40019000 35650000 + A9C9000
00A50FC8: 0000000A
00A50FCC: 00000000
00A50FD0: 00001437
00A50FD4: 00000177
> 00A50FF8: BFF6BB6C BFF60000 + BB6C (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00A51024: BFF672F9 BFF60000 + 72F9 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00A51034: BFF923B3 BFF60000 + 323B3 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00A5103C: BFF6C711 BFF60000 + C711 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00A51044: 011610A3 01000000 + 1610A3 (ACIDK.DLL)
00A51048: 00A51088 00950000 + 101088
00A5104C: 00000000
00A51050: 00A51A70 00950000 + 101A70
00A51054: 00A52258 00950000 + 102258
> 00A51058: BFF456B5 BFF40000 + 56B5 (USER32.DLL)
> 00A5106C: 01025264 01000000 + 25264 (ACIDK.DLL)
00A51070: 00A51A77 00950000 + 101A77
00A51074: 000007E1
00A51078: 00A5FFF0 00950000 + 10FFF0
00A5107C: 00000000
> 00A51088: 00593B58 00400000 + 193B58 (ACID.EXE)
00A5108C: 00A52284 00950000 + 102284
00A51090: 00A5FD9C 00950000 + 10FD9C
00A51094: 00A5FD8C 00950000 + 10FD8C
00A51098: 00A60000 00950000 + 110000
> 00A5112C: 01186B73 01000000 + 186B73 (ACIDK.DLL)
00A51130: 000007D1
00A51134: 00A51234 00950000 + 101234
> 00A51138: BFF67336 BFF60000 + 7336 (KERNEL32.DLL)
> 00A5113C: 01186B73 01000000 + 186B73 (ACIDK.DLL)
- - -
00A5FFF0: 4C8F1716 35650000 + 172A1716
00A5FFF4: 8340CFEC 83406000 + 6FEC
00A5FFF8: BFF7A24F BFF60000 + 1A24F (KERNEL32.DLL)
00A5FFFC: 00000000

Subject:RE: An Exception Has Occurred
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/13/2001 10:07:13 PM

Check to make sure that you have the latest video and sound card drivers and Direct X 8.0a installed and give more system info on next reply

See ya

Subject:RE: An Exception Has Occurred
Reply by: SonyJennL
Date:6/13/2001 10:27:35 PM

Please reply w/ system.

Items that are helpful-
OS (98se/ME/2k)
sound and video cards
harddrive type

In this situation- how are you getting online?
Does this happen every time you use Get Media or only occasionally?


Subject:RE: An Exception Has Occurred
Reply by: aiserock
Date:6/14/2001 10:47:52 PM

It only happens occasionally. I have a 800mhz P3 processor, 128mb ram, 30g hard drive, I don't know how fast the hd is or what brand it is. I have a hewlett packard system that runs on windows me.
so what do you think I can Do?

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