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Subject:Forum Issues
Posted by: photon
Date:6/12/2001 3:01:13 PM

Navigation through these forums can be slow and somewhat tedious.

My browser doesn't allow cookies and each page on the SF site requires
4 to 8 separate cookies, thus making loading time really long.

I can find no 'forum help' area.

*Is there a way to access from a newsgroup?

*Is there a way to change the SF assigned 16 digital password?

*Is there a way to view the list by thread rather than 'most recent post'
which means up to 24 cookies just to view the 1st post in a thread?

(*Am I the only one having this problem?)

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/12/2001 4:04:33 PM

is there a way that when u click on a message....instead of showin the most recent message within the the original people know what is the whole fuss about!!!

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: photon
Date:6/14/2001 1:49:07 AM

SO...can I assume that:

That no one from SF read the post?

There isn't an answer to my questions?

That I should have posted it somewhere else?

That the navigational issues are too trivial to respond to?

None of the above?

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: SonyKSA
Date:6/14/2001 9:25:22 AM

Sorry for the delay in responding. We encourage users who need immediate assistance to contact us via email. Though we do monitor the forums from time to time, they are intended primarily as a user-to-user help resource.

I highly recommend that you enable cookies on your browser. If you need help finding that setting, let me know what browser you are using and I'll point you to the right place. Once you have them enabled, you will not see a significant delay in page loading time. If you have concerns about privacy, let me know and I'll help explain how and why we use cookies.

To answer your questions:
1. No, we do not currently offer a newsgroup version of the forums. We do plan to add that functionality, but at this point there is no date set for this addition.

2. You can change your password by clicking the "Edit Account" link. Also, if you enable cookies, we will recognize you when you return, so there will be no need to login each time you want to post a message.

3. You can not currently view the whole thread, but we do offer some customization of view under "Edit Account". We are considering adding additional views.


Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: SonyKSA
Date:6/14/2001 9:30:00 AM

Our thought was that people who regularly visit the forums would want to see the most recent posts to the entire forum, and might already be familiar with the orgins of the thread.

Speak up if you have an opinion on this. If many users would prefer us to start with the most recent new thread, but have the original message first, we'll consider the change.

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: photon
Date:6/15/2001 3:58:35 AM


Thanks for the response.

Perhaps you might want to look at how other manufacturers handle their user forums.
I'm thinking of the usually excellent Adobe site:

Any answer to my other original questions?

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: SonyKSA
Date:6/15/2001 10:44:17 AM

Yup. I responded to your original questions here. So clearly, the threading isn't great. :)

Thanks. I'll be sure to check out Adobe's work when we do our next set of revisions.

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: photon
Date:6/15/2001 2:04:57 PM

Thanks again.

As to cookies, I have no way of enabling them for the SF site only. As an experiment, before my 1st post,
I tried enabling them individually, but after several page loads there were just as many cookie requests, and
my login wasn't recognized. That was in part why I posted originally.

As to 'edit account' I could never find it, and again that's why I posted.
I only see 'search', 'login', 'register', none of which pages show and 'edit' option.

Maybe some of this is a browser issue? NN4.75

Subject:RE: Forum Issues
Reply by: photon
Date:6/15/2001 2:07:22 PM

And is there a way to edit a post, such as my typo in the previous post?

I had called and talked to a rep, who knew nothing
of the ways of the forum.

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