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Subject:SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Posted by: Zacchino
Date:6/10/2001 3:59:34 PM

...All my processor performances !

Even if i have a PIII 550, i can demonstrate that Acid Pro 3.0's system requierment is a HUGE LYE, with a
300 MHz processor i bet you can't do more than a song with 5 tracks and 2 effects without having any playback lagging, gapping issue.

Cuz with my genuine Pentium III 550, as soon as i put more than one track it stutter as hell. And my play trigger is freaking slow, i have to wait more than 10 sec to hear my song. But i recently made a song and i can't even hear it without this "Time out" error, same thing for the rendering.

So if nobody answers this message, if SF guys don't reply to this message it's because i'm right.

So at least change your System Requierment, and stop lying to your consumers.

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:6/10/2001 4:45:43 PM

You Know
I took time out to install Acid 3.0 on a P1 200mhz Because every time you post something is wrong! The demo song played fine!!!!!!
P1 200mhz
96mb ram
Darla 5.06
Seagate 7200rpm HD
Savage S3 16mb video card.
You have some problems.
Call tech support!
If I can help please e-mail me.

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/10/2001 6:19:13 PM

okay so it works on your computer and not on mine, and i conclude it's a software issue.

But i'm upset because
maybe they don't care about their clients

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:6/10/2001 6:28:09 PM


"Even if i have a PIII 550, i can demonstrate that Acid Pro 3.0's system requierment is a HUGE LYE..."

- I sorry, I can't seem to reproduce your claim. Despite the fact my system runs on a AMD K6-3 450, my projects are made up of 20-40 loops, AND I'm running 4 FX processors, I have yet to have "any playback lagging, gapping [issues]". Why is this? Read on...

" soon as i put more than one track it stutter as hell..."

- This is a case in which you would want to go into your settings menu to adjust the playback buffer, since after all, it was made to prevent the problem you're describing. How's that for forward thinking?

"And my play trigger is freaking slow, i have to wait more than 10 sec to hear my song..."

- I highly suggest you check your TSRs and free memory. How much RAM do you have? If it's taking THAT long, it's your machine's problem, no question. As stated above, I have a 450MHz processor. I've toyed DV presentations utilizing full soundtracks using this software. No stutters. No timeouts. Also, there will always be a little bit of a delay, due to RAM and processor limitations.

"...if SF guys don't reply to this message it's because i'm right..."

- Um, no. When you enter this forum read the header, put at the top so you can see, "[Sonic Foundry Tech members] monitor these boards periodically. However, if you require immediate technical support, please do not use these forums." I think that's pretty clear.

So please friend, why not spend some time on the phone and with your machine before you come in here waving a pretty little flag of anti-Acid sentiment? It's possible to get this stuff to work as intended. Really.

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: billybk
Date:6/10/2001 7:01:56 PM

"okay so it works on your computer and not on mine, and i conclude it's a software issue".

If it was a software issue, then why doesn't everybody
have the same problem as you. I normally use my DAW
(PIII/700mhz/512mb) for audio and video work. But, after reading your post, just for kicks, I went ahead
and installed ACID 3.0 on my puny little PII/333mhz/128MB DSL internet computer. The same
computer I am writing this reply to you on.
I was able to play back a (3)minute 14 track song
with two plugins on the master output, with no
dropouts or stutters whatsoever. If I added a third
plugin ( reverb ) however, it would start to slow to a crawl about a minute into the song.
I believe the minimum requirements for ACID 3.0 is
a PII/300mhz machine.
Minimum requirements = minimum performance
That is about all I would expect out of my PII/333
performance wise. If I can do that on my old internet
computer, I am sure, if configured correctly, you
can do a whole lot better on your PIII/550mhz machine.
Yours is a hardware issue, not a software one.

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/10/2001 7:07:39 PM


I have 196 Mb of sdram, isn't that enough for "the system requierment" ?

Anyway, i've concluded that it wasn't in any cases a hardware issue, because with rockitglider's help we tryied every manipulations possible without results (thanx man !). But i heard (by other AP3 users) that the software was limited in its fonctions with a tiny configuration -which is unfair for those who don't have a good hardware configuration-.

And for the buffer option, it doesn't stop all the stuttering and gapping playback, it just reduice it, and makes the playback triggering slower (15 sec to wait instead of 10 to hear the acid project).

I'm not against ACID PRO at all, i loved Acid pro 2.0 !!! That's why i updated to the 3.0 version. And the flag i'm waving is the "Against NEED MORE HARDWARE's softwares".

And i'm from france so calling the SF's hot line would cost me too much money !

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/10/2001 9:19:26 PM


It's getting heated in here.
I can understand your frustration I hate when a program doesn't work right especialy when it's brand new. But we'll figue out this problem and try to get you working send me that file again read my email to you I need you to put the file extension on the file for me to be able to print it

Talk to ya soon

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:6/10/2001 11:22:44 PM


I can't support the claim that ACID 3 doesn't work well on small/tiny configurations. My computer isn't a DAW. It's a home-built piddle master with 128 megs of RAM with a 450 processor on Win 98 SE. I use it for school work, word processing, computer art, web pages, music, and lots and lots of games. By definition, it's a consumer level machine that isn't dedicated toward any special purpose, a small/tiny setup. Despite this, it suits ACID 3's requirements just fine. Here's an example: After posting my message, I opened ACID 3 and loaded a current music project (I'm using ACID 2 until my ACID 3 serial code arrives). It's a rather large and complex song, but there were no delays or stutters during playback. Unsatisfied, I added more stuff. Here are the new stats on this project and environment:

- 86 tracks
- 2 effect buses
- 6 track FX chains
- Total RAM used: 56 Megs
- Virus scanner running in the background
- 14 TSR's in background

I played it back again. Still no stutter. It wasn't until after I added a DV track (and brought up the video window) that I got the playback to skip, and even then, it was minimal, and I hadn't even touched the buffer yet. But up to that point, even with all the FX and tracks, the stability wouldn't budge. I don't have a special setup. I haven't been using any special secret features. It just works. To me, this suggests a hardware/OS/third-party software setup problem with your machine. If it were otherwise, my machine wouldn't perform as it is.

Also, for support, be sure to try e-mail. The tech staff around here is always very responsive and helpful (as well as the forum inhabitants here). Keep trying, and I'm certain you'll be able to get this fixed.

Best wishes,
Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/10/2001 11:38:38 PM

Dear Nick,

Well i think you're right, and that my hardware isn't the point of my issue.

Me too i can use my computer for games (i'm a counter-strike addict), and graphic application such as webdesign and image stuff.

But since i've installed 3.0 with this problem I directly thought it was my hardware's fault.

Ok now i know it isn't but here's the point ! What should i do ? I know that the 3.0b version won't change anything either that's logical. Maybe i should format my HDD...

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/11/2001 12:01:07 AM


Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/11/2001 12:16:07 AM

yea don't format ure drive.....i mean...what is wrong with these SONICF guys.....what is the problem with this AP 3 software.....seems like EVERYBODY, EXCEPT THE SF STAFF has problem with SOFTWARE PERFORMANCE ISSUES.....NOW THATS LIKE THOUSANDS AGAINST ALMOST NO ONE! i mean, the bottom line is (with no disrespect to anybody at SF staff) ACID PRO 3 SUCKS compared to ACID 2 and does take up a lot of resources......EVERYBODY IN THE FOURM IS SAYIN THAT......SO HOW CAN WE JUST BELIEVE THE SONIC FOUNDRY PEOPLE WHEN THEY SAY IT WORKS IN THEIR COMPUTERS??....I MEAN THEY'RE COMPUTER SCIENTIST AND KNOW HOW TO WORK THIS.....BUT MOST OF US ARE NOT AND WE WANT TO FOCUS ON MUSIC MORE THAN THE SOFTWARE ISSUES!! so please let's CUT THE CRAP and MOVE ON WITH THE BETTER ENCHANCEMENT TO THE SOFTWARE!


Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/11/2001 12:38:36 AM

Damn Right !
I follow your words brother !

We are musicians, not Software Makers !

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/11/2001 3:42:01 AM

Well now i definitivly support what i said.
I experienced FX on a track and i saw that when i put more than 2 FX on chain on 2 track it doesn't even play the song !!! It says "Playback Error - an inexpected error has occured" and for rendering the song "Buffer has timed out"
WTF ??? And i don't think it can only happens to me so don't try to make me think its a software issue... well right now i donno i'm lost... I think the issue is just the program you guys made, you wanted the 3.0 come out so early that you left it with tons of bugs...

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/11/2001 6:10:55 PM


We're very sorry that you are experiencing these problems with ACID 3.0, but ranting about it on the forum is probably not the best direction to proceed in if you would like to see this fixed. Believe it or not, we tested ACID 3.0 quite thoroughly on a lot of different systems (and resolved quite a few issues that appeared on some systems, but not on others). Of course, we didn't test it on every system configuration possible, because with all of the hardware and software available, there are limitless combinations.

It seems clear that there is something different going on somewhere within your system, and to fix that, we'll need to figure out what that difference is. It could be any of a number of things (perhaps relatively easy to find, or perhaps entirely non-obvious).

This could include, but is not limited to:
*conflicting hardware that's stealing cycles from the PCI bus
*Terminate and Stay Resident (or other) programs stealing cycles from the CPU
*hard drive needs defragging
*or HD is running in the wrong mode
*or on a narrow saturated full SCSI chain
*files are coming from a zip drive or CD-ROM drive
*motherboard BIOS/chipset needs to be updated
*sound card device drivers poorly written
*another program may have installed a different version of a shared system file that ACID is dependent upon
*running on a non-supported operating system, such as Win98-lite
*running on a network
*various performance 'tweaks or enhancements' could've been potentially made to your system at some time that may have actually negatively affected your system's performance
*virtual memory settings
*read-ahead optimizations
*conflicts within IRQ or DMA settings
*anything odd loading from your win.ini or system.ini files
*something specific to the language version of your operating system

It could be any of the things listed above, or something else entirely--to say that ACID 3 sucks is pretty unfair, considering how many people using it are enjoying it, and having it work as advertised. To become one of those people, please visit and provide as much information about your system as you can think of.

I hope this helps.


Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/11/2001 9:46:03 PM

Hi Joel,

Well thanx for helping me out, but i've tryied and overview all your points that could be the problem (and for some i've checked twice) but none of it is my issue...
i Keep on seeking and as soon as i know where the problem is i hope you guys'll put it on the knowledge base because i'm not alone to have this issue.

Best Regards,

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/12/2001 11:28:53 AM

That list I gave was just a number of things that could potentially be problems, not of all of which are entirely easy to check, and I don't consider it to be comprehensive. Keep in mind that our tech support email system is free of charge--they'll likely be able to guide you through a few other possibilities and describe to you how to check them.

Also (note this is not an official endorsement from Sonic Foundry, but just a suggestion from me), there is a shareware system diagnostic utility called Sisoft Sandra that can help to shed light on weak points in a computer system. A search on any search engine should help locate a link for download. I'm sure there are a few other worthwhile diagnostic utilities available as well.

Best of luck,

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:6/12/2001 12:55:18 PM

Other possible suggestions:

-Lower hardware graphics acceleration.

-Update drivers for both your video card and sound card.

-Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select "End Task" for all programs except for explorer, systray, and Acid.

-Defragment your hard drive (I know Joel suggested it already, but it sounds like it needs to be done badly)

-If the drive is a SCSI hard drive, update the drivers for your SCSI card

It is unfortunate that you are overseas and not able to call us. We will be more than happy to support you via e-mail at I urge you to contact us if you really want to resolve this. We (as well as some of the other forum regulars) have offered to help you, and we do want you to be able to use a product that you've paid for.

One more thing - the behavior that you described sounds a lot like what would happen if you tried to play the demo song directly from the CD-ROM. Please verify that you were not doing this.

BTW - you have not yet registered for Acid 3.0, so please include your serial number when you contact us. This will ensure that you receive the fastest possible service.


Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/12/2001 7:37:08 PM

Hi again !

For Joel :
I'll download the soft on and i'll tell you the diagnostic given... Hope i'll be usefull !
Thank you for all your help

For Ted :
For the other possible suggestions:

>Lower hardware graphics acceleration.
I've done it (i saw that trick on the knowledge base) but without any result.

>Update drivers for both your video card and sound >card.
My drivers are always the most updated. As soon as i see an update for my hardware i install it :).

>Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select "End Task" for all >programs except for explorer, systray, and Acid.
Yes i've done that too. I even configured my computer to start with no program running (Rockitglider told me how to do) but it didn't change anything.

>Defragment your hard drive (I know Joel suggested it >already, but it sounds like it needs to be done badly)
Well i defragmented recently too, and the issue is still there... Maybe i should format my HDD ?

>If the drive is a SCSI hard drive, update the drivers >for your SCSI card
Oh i'm using an IDE Hard Drive Disk.

I'm not playing the song from the CD-ROM, i've put it on my HDD, but the issue was still there :(.

And one more question, how do i register to the sonic foundry website ? do you have a link for this ?


Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/12/2001 8:34:13 PM

This is the register link

See ya

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/12/2001 10:30:58 PM

Here's my diagnostic for those who are interested

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/12/2001 11:31:26 PM

I think I see two problems

1: Your Direct X is only Ver.6.0 You need to upgrade to 8.0a Here's the link

2: Your drive does not seem to have DMA enabled, Go to desktop right click my computer select properties then select device manager then click the plus sign on Disk Drives then highlight your hard drive then select properties again at the bottom then select the settings tab then put check mark at DMA then click ok then ok for the warning then close out of everything and restart.

Do these two things and let us know what happens.

See ya

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:6/13/2001 12:20:23 AM

Ok for Direct X i think the prog has gone wrong cuz i do really have Direct X 8.0, and plus Direct Video plugin. I don't know why the prog said it was a Direct X 6.0.

And on my Hard Drive Properties i haven't got any check box (whereas i have it for my CD-rom and CD-R drives). Here's another screenshot:

Subject:RE: SF ACID PRO 3.0 SUCKS...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/13/2001 2:21:41 PM

Reinstall Direct X anyway the installation could have failed

Also the shot is your disk controllers you have to go into the disk drives themselves not the controllers thats where the option is

Also Do a Direct X diagnostics and the first page down at the bottom should tell you your version.

See ya

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