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Subject:a question to anyone who works for Sonic Foundry
Posted by: dialupdave
Date:6/9/2001 11:00:24 AM

this a serious question..

i need to no when (or approimently) Acid 3.0b will be out, because i have a few audio projects to do, with software i just bought, that dont work on my system (win2k)

i am rather anoid about bugs within Acid 3.0, please show me the light!

Subject:RE: a question to anyone who works for Sonic Foundry
Reply by: jlourau
Date:6/10/2001 7:27:26 PM

I have the exact same question. Read the "Will there be a 3.0b fixed version of ACID as for Sound Forge?" thread. I've tried my best to help Sonic Foundry with those bugs, and now we get no answer or information from them.

Subject:RE: a question to anyone who works for Sonic Foundry
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/12/2001 11:42:37 AM

Yes, there will be a 3.0a update--note that usually we do not skip letters when doing updates. Sound Forge 5.0 skipping to "b" was an anomaly, because of an OEM release shortly after the initial release.

We're shooting for the ACID 3.0a update in about a month, give or take a couple weeks.. Be advised that while that timeframe is likely, it's not set in stone.


Subject:RE: a question to anyone who works for Sonic Foundry
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:6/12/2001 12:30:46 PM


Have you contacted tech support about these issues? We have not yet had any major issues reported through tech support, and you do get 60 days of free support. If you do not have the telephone number, please call 1-800-577-6642, and we will verify your registration and give you the complimentary support number.


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