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Subject:Batch Converter MP3 Limitation?
Posted by: SlowX
Date:6/7/2001 9:08:33 AM

I just downloaded the SF5 Batch Converter, and am a registered user of SF5, but to convert to MP3s I need to buy another plug-in?!

Or is something broken?

I hope don't need to buy more...


Subject:RE: Batch Converter MP3 Limitation?
Reply by: Szep_X
Date:6/7/2001 9:52:13 AM

Do you own 4.5? You would had to have pruchased the encoder for that version. If you don't then you might need to purchase the unlimited version of the encoder.


Subject:RE: Batch Converter MP3 Limitation?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/7/2001 2:28:43 PM


Go online and go to register and select MP3 encoder and register with Sound Forge 5.0 as your qualifying program and it should be unlimited after that for any program

See ya

Subject:RE: Batch Converter MP3 Limitation?
Reply by: SlowX
Date:6/8/2001 12:36:43 PM

Hope this isn't a dumb question, but by "select MP3 encoder" do you mean "MP3 Plug-In 1.0"?

I tried that, but it asks for a serial number and computer number, and when I enter SF5 info, it says something's incorrect.


Subject:RE: Batch Converter MP3 Limitation?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/9/2001 1:42:49 AM


Call Sonic Foundry and hit the button for obtain activation code for you new software and they will give you an MP3 plug-in activation code to use

See ya


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