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Subject:beatchopper help plz
Posted by: spesimen
Date:6/6/2001 9:57:27 AM

so i have a long vocal track that i want to do edits with in the beatchopper.

is there a way to select a region from the file in the track view and set the cursor in the beatchopper to match it? with a file that is 80 bars long, it's very difficult to tell which bar corresponds to the word i want to edit. it gets even harder when the track is already cut up somewhat - bar 16 of my song may correspond to bar 23 of the vocal take, for instance.

any ideas?

Subject:RE: beatchopper help plz
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/6/2001 12:19:51 PM

easy way around is just cut the region up in SOUND FORGE and save the region must be very short....maybe like 30 seconds in now when you drag and drop it into acid....its automatically a loop and will sync up with your set.....oh yea...make sure you have the appropriate number of beats for the loop entered......for a 1 2 3 4 loop, you would enter 4 beats.....for a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 loop, you would enter 20 beats!! see what im sayin??? easy as that!

Subject:RE: beatchopper help plz
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/6/2001 3:50:38 PM


Yes you can do that when you select a selection in the track view then select in chopper it opens the entire contents of the file you are selecting but the selected part matches the selection in the track view.

See ya

Subject:RE: beatchopper help plz
Reply by: spesimen
Date:6/8/2001 2:58:27 PM

aha! thanx rockitglider. i noticed it was in the right place a few times but couldn't figure out why! :)

Subject:RE: beatchopper help plz
Reply by: spesimen
Date:6/18/2001 12:18:00 PM

doh. so i actually tried this and it doesn't seem to work. can you describe exactly what you are clicking and in what order? no matter what i have selected in the main window, the beatchopper doesn't seem to have anything highlighted until i go in there and muck around with it. is it based off of the loop region somehow? or where my cursor is at?

Subject:RE: beatchopper help plz
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/18/2001 11:33:16 PM


I guess I misled you if you have a large file drawn out in the track view then it will select the whole file in chopper. If you have a large file with only part of it painted in the track view and you select in chopper, then it will put the whole file in the chopper but only the portion that is painted in the track view will be selected when opened in the chopper.

Sorry bout that

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