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Subject:ACID Pro questions from a beginner...
Posted by: jrutz
Date:6/6/2001 6:49:18 AM

I need a couple tip suggestions for ACID Pro:

1. I have a bass sample which I have copied into separate events on a track, and I have changed the pitch of each subsequent event to create a bass riff. What I would like to do is roll the pitch change from each event so that its not a definitive cut, and I don't know if I am able to do this. Any ideas?

2. I want to start with a tempo of, say, 70 BPM, and gradually increase to a tempo of 120 BPM over the course of a few measures. Obviously I can add tempo markers throughout to make this gradual change, but I was wondering if ACID can do this automatically within an envelope. Again...?

It's funny, I could do this stuff on the Playstation with Music Generator, but I'm not sure I can with a $400 PC application...Please email me with any ideas.



Subject:RE: ACID Pro questions from a beginner...
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/6/2001 12:15:22 PM

well i can only help with your question a little confused about question anyways:

1. first figure out, in how many bars you want to go from 70 to being 1 measure and 1 measure being 4 beats

*note: tempo change marker is located in the INSERT

2. now go to the position where u want to end the 70 bmp and insert a temp change for the value of the marker DO NOT ENTER change tempo to 120

3. this is the trick for smoothe tempo my STEP decided how many bars you were gonn ahve between 70 and, take (120 minus 70) which euqals for the first tempo change marker.....(let's say for example you had 10 bars between 70 bpm and 120 bpm)......for the first marker, you would make the tempo change to ((120-70) / 10)+70)....this equals to 75....for the next bar the marker value would be 80.....after than would be 85....90....95....100...105.....110.....115.....and finally 120.....and now you have a pretty smooth transition into the new cut the bull**** at every bar or even beat (bar = 1 2 3 4 and beat = 1 or 2 or 3 or 4) you can insert a tempo change marker and put in a value for tempo change until you get to you real the same time.....the lesser the tempo change value at each bar....the smoother the transition.....well, have fun experimenting!

Subject:RE: ACID Pro questions from a beginner...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/6/2001 4:15:11 PM


The only way I can think of that might work would be to turn snapping off and create some smaller events in between the bigger ones and change the semitone increments by smaller amounts say one event in shifted by -5 semitones and the next is by -8 semitones then make two smaller events and shift them by -6 and -7 in between the other two events.
The other way which maybe wont work would be to overlap the adjoining events slightly and fade the edges in and out from oneanother.

As far as the tempo changing multiple markers is the way to go unless you have xfx 1,2 and3 there might be a way to do it with effects.

See ya

Subject:RE: ACID Pro questions from a beginner...
Reply by: tonyoci
Date:6/8/2001 1:43:57 AM

For the bass loop, Record a track with every bass loop using the same note, then use Sound forge XP to add a graphical pitch change at the places you want the pitch to change.

Should work.


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