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Subject:Bus Help
Posted by: spiff1242
Date:6/4/2001 7:32:12 PM

Ahh, this is driving me nuts. I've used buses for the first time in my latest recording project in Acid, and they work great until I start to mix down. Beforehand, I have all the buses channeled into the Master channel. So when I have everything balanced, I hit mixdown. But then the buses, without me telling them to, change over and send to outputs 1 and 2 of my soundcard instead of going through the Master channel. Why the heck is it doing this? When it does this all my volumes become unbalanced because the buses are bypassing the volume control in my master channel. All I want to do is mix down this song exactly like I'm hearing it. How do I do this? Thanks.

Subject:RE: Bus Help
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/4/2001 9:02:55 PM

what sound card do u have????

Subject:RE: Bus Help
Reply by: spiff1242
Date:6/5/2001 3:06:24 PM

I have a Delta 66 card. 4 Channels.

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