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Subject:Clipping in pro 3 that wasn't in Acid music 2
Posted by: xencage
Date:6/4/2001 5:16:22 PM

I just downloaded the pro 3 version of Acid. I've been using Acid Music 2 for quite a while and have several projects in progress. I've noticed that when I open projects started in 2, in 3 I've got all kinds of clipping going on.

The volume levels and envelopes are all the same as far as I can tell, and my sound card's settings have not changed.

I can go back and re-mix everything, but what a pain!
I'd also just like to know why this happens.
I also use SoundForge 5 and Vegas LE. I'd gotten to the point where I was feeling sure of my mixing, but now I'm starting to wonder!


Subject:RE: Clipping in pro 3 that wasn't in Acid music 2
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/4/2001 5:34:31 PM


I've had the same problems with some projects, what I noticed is the effects are different Acid music uses express effects and pro uses xfx effects I had to go in and change some of the track volume sliders to correct the problem.

See ya

Subject:RE: Clipping in pro 3 that wasn't in Acid music 2
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/4/2001 9:11:06 PM

well, god's not gonna to come down and fix the problem... and neither any software programmer is perfect with such might as well change the levels of the faders to get it to not clip....i mean, if you were to really experience the new should try messin around and figuring out the this case its not a problem or a bug in acid.....its just that acid 2 music is a very scaled down version of ACID PRO 2 and the only way to prevent clipping is to change the levels and save the file as a different name....and make sure that this new file that you saved, you do not try to open in ACID you have two with the old file in ACID 2 and the new file in ACID 3....easy as that


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