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Subject:Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Posted by: frank3si
Date:6/4/2001 8:47:45 PM

Hi folks -

A question about applying envelope settings in Acid (I'm using Pro 2.0). Say I have a loop that appears 20 times at different locations in a project. I decide that the loop sounds harsh on its entrance and exit. I know how to apply the envelope/volume to fade a loop in and then out, but is there any way to apply that fade in/fade out envelope to all 20 locations where I've placed the loop? I'd like to avoid having to manually set envelope fade in/out 20 times! Thanks -

Frank Moriarty

Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/4/2001 9:02:07 PM

well, first off....just create one instance, apply the envolpe to it, and then just copy paste the instance where ever you would should have the same envelope!! -robby

Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: frank3si
Date:6/5/2001 5:52:21 AM

Yeh, I thought of that, but I didn't really pick up on the abruptness of the loop entry/exit until I'd placed instances of the loop throughout the project. So I'd still like a way to apply universal envelope settings to each instance in one operation... Thanks for the suggestion, though...


Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/5/2001 4:07:07 PM

yea ure right....maybe sonic foundry can develop a feature that LOCKS an envolope on one sample so that the slave or the copied samples change if you chage the mater envelope!!! hey thats sounds like a new ENHANCEMENT for ACID 4.0 :) haha....later

Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: frank3si
Date:6/6/2001 1:25:04 PM

Now *that* really would be kool!


Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/6/2001 3:53:44 PM


Yes you can use the envelope tool and copy and paste envelope settings. You only have to copy it once then you can paste it over and over.

See ya

Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: S N C
Date:6/8/2001 12:04:10 PM

here is what I would do.

Edit the original loop in SoundForge....apply whatever envelope changes you want there. Then go back into Acid and drag the new version of the loop from the explorer over the old loop in the trackname.

Subject:RE: Applying envelope setting on multiple loop instances?
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/11/2001 8:31:26 PM

Not sure if your question was properly answered in the rest of the thread yet or not, but here's a way to do it.

1. drop all of the envelope points that you want for the event in question.
2. change to the envelope tool.
3. drag the cursor from left to right (or right to left) across the envelope pattern you like.
4. all of your envelope points should be highlighted with their centers white.
5. press Ctrl + C.
6. drop your cursor at the beginning of the next event to apply that envelope to
7. press Ctrl + V.
8. repeat as necessary.

Also note that this is not confined to one track, or one envelope type. You can copy an envelope pattern from Volume on one track, and apply it to FX1 or Pan on another track, etc.


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