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Subject:match beats /edit tempo
Posted by: than
Date:6/4/2001 5:53:11 PM

how do you match beats? I record my songs off turntables into sound forge4.5. How do I make the tempo the same & MIX THE songs?

Subject:RE: match beats /edit tempo
Reply by: kaspar
Date:6/6/2001 10:25:11 AM

what is up partner? i have sf 5.0. here is one way to match beats.
1. open first track and clean it up the way you like.
2. open second track and clean.
3. on both tracks highlight where you want to fade in and out.
4. highlight all of track two
5. on first track put perminent marker where you want to fade in the second track.
6. drag second track to first track and and place at the line. (it might not be exact, that is why you put the perminent marker. just keep undoing until you match the beats.


p.s. one last thing, very important, when cleaning each track up you might to change the tempo. that option is up top. at the bottom of the page it will allow you to ajust the tempo by bpm.

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