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Subject:ACID 3.0b??
Posted by: djrobby
Date:5/31/2001 1:10:28 AM

Dear SF Staff,

When will ACID 3.0b with a lot of the fixes be available????

Subject:RE: ACID 3.0b??
Reply by: synthman1128
Date:5/31/2001 11:41:42 PM

i just got 3.0 (boxed) yesterday and i didn't even install it on my pc coz i know 3.0 has alot of bugs. cant wait until 3.0b will be available. right now i'm using 2.0 ....

Subject:RE: ACID 3.0b??
Reply by: grldo
Date:6/1/2001 3:55:41 PM

I just bought 3.o, will the upgrade be freely available on the website?

Subject:RE: ACID 3.0b??
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/1/2001 4:23:46 PM

oh hell yea....if u bought 3.0 then 3.0b update better be free!

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