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Subject:Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Posted by: swayzak
Date:5/22/2001 7:12:48 AM


I currently use Acid Pro 2.0, albeit sporadically.

Is v3.0 worth the upgrade ie. is it a "must have" piece of software compared to 2.0 ?



Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:5/22/2001 12:59:06 PM

IF you have a P4 1.3 Ghz with 128Mb of Ram(at least) it does :-)

Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:5/22/2001 5:22:49 PM

I like it but it does take alot of power to run the program but it has alot of cool features

See ya

Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:5/22/2001 10:35:29 PM

I LOVE mine

Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: tonyoci
Date:5/23/2001 3:20:16 PM

I run a P700 with 378mb of Ram and I have minimal problems. I am not as impressed as I was hoping to be but I think the upgrade is worth it for the BeatMapper and Chopper functions alone.


Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: synthman1128
Date:5/24/2001 3:36:31 AM

3.0 has some new cool features and it looks nice.
better get the upgrade b4 SF raise the price.

Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:5/25/2001 7:29:57 AM

Depending on what you want to do with the package, stay with 2. I use this thing a lot and I was lucky. I received the "free" upgrade. If you bought one SF's Loops For Acid Style packs, you received Acid Pro 2 for free plus an offer to get Pro 3 when it was available. I have had my copy of 3 for about 2 1/2 weeks and I find it to be a bear to get any work down.

It is a huge CPU hog and when tracks are not gapping and skipping, they are falling out of sync with each other. I have what I would consider a more than adequate system to run this thing (PIII 800, twin 30 GB SCSI drives, 384 MB of RDRAM) and it stills gives me problems. However, with Pro 2, I am flying. Everything just works.

Cuzin B

Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:5/25/2001 8:15:23 PM

I think SF team haven't realized they've done a program that asks too much ressources. Or if they had, why did they commercialised it ?

Subject:RE: Hey people - is Acid 3.0 worth the upgrade ?
Reply by: billybk
Date:5/26/2001 7:19:36 AM

If you are perfectly satisfied with Acid 2.0,
with its current capabilities and limitations,
then there is no need to ugrade. If, on the other
hand you want to stay on the cutting edge of new
enhancements and technologies to the Acid product
line, and you think you have or may have a need for
such in the future, then Acid 3.0 is a no-brainer.
I am of the latter, and have been very pleased with
the performance gains thus far from Acid 3.0.
Some people have questioned why Acid 3.0 has increased
system requirements than 2.0. That is the price we
pay for technological progress. I am sure that Vegas
Video 3.0 will require more system resources than did
VV 2.0. It is like that in most software programs that
are feature driven and are progressively improved.
I would not want the software developers leaving out
advanced features just so slower and older computers
could still be utilized. Sometimes, upgrading your
software means also upgrading your computer.

Billy Buck

Subject:It would also depend on how complex your projects will be...
Reply by: AlienFarms
Date:5/28/2001 11:35:54 AM

... because I am running Acid Pro 3.0 on a box with only a 350MHz AMD processor and 128Mb of RAM and haven't had any problems. But my projects are simple - 12 to 20 tracks, 2 or 3 effects at most. I think the upgrade was well worth the $100 even though I'm not one to stretch the envelope very often.

Subject:RE: It would also depend on how complex your projects will be...
Reply by: swayzak
Date:5/31/2001 4:24:14 PM

thanks people - I'm afraid I'm still undecided, especially with this "resource-hogging" issue (I run a PIII 800 and have no plans to upgrade at the moment - until the home-use 64 bit processors arrive !) about 2 weeks left to change my mind !


Subject:RE: It would also depend on how complex your projects will be...
Reply by: SonyJennL
Date:5/31/2001 7:48:56 PM

You can try downloading the demo and see what you think. There are limitations (ie. bursts of noise and such) but you would still be able to see for yourself how ACID works on your system.

Subject:RE: It would also depend on how complex your projects will be...
Reply by: djrobby
Date:6/1/2001 11:07:22 AM

if i were you, i would stick with acid 2.0......acid 3.0 build 189 has many limitation......i wish, the acid 2.0 had all directx features and had the ability to zoom in a little more....thats about it.....those are some major features i use.....i could care less about MIDI.....i personally think that MIDI and Sonic Foundry dont go together!...well have fun..hope this was of some help!

Subject:RE: It would also depend on how complex your projects will be...
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/1/2001 3:16:50 PM

Hello again,

I still say for the price of $99.00 you can't go wrong Acid works great on my computer It's true that it uses alot of resources but anytime your using effects and buses it's going to take some CPU power to do it.

Bottom line I think it's worth $99.00

See ya

BTW: you can still keep 2.0 installed

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