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Subject:SF XP STUDIO 5 BUG: No Auto-Play in Open Dialog?
Posted by: Markleford
Date:5/31/2001 3:04:53 PM

I got XP Studio 5 (with Acid 3.0) and have not heard Auto play work in the Open Dialog yet, nor can I press the Play button to preview a sample.

This behavior is the same on my work (2000) and home (ME) machines.

- m

Subject:RE: SF XP STUDIO 5 BUG: No Auto-Play in Open Dialog?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:5/31/2001 11:34:10 PM


Check in you options on the preview tab to see if you have any seconds set for preview If not set it to 4 or 6 secs. If you have a slower machine make sure you keep the drives defraged.

See ya

Subject:RE: SF XP STUDIO 5 BUG: No Auto-Play in Open Dialog?
Reply by: JohnI
Date:6/3/2001 5:58:16 AM

I have the same problem (no preview play in open file dialogue) and I do not have a "Preview" tab on the Options dialogue. The buttons are there but they don't work!! Strange? My version was downloaded as the full XP 5 upgrade. Anyone got a clue what going on here? Is it something to do with loading it over 4.5??? John I

Subject:RE: SF XP STUDIO 5 BUG: No Auto-Play in Open Dialog?
Reply by: SonicDougW
Date:6/4/2001 6:11:23 PM

This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next XP 5.0 update. I don't have any information at this time as to when this update will be released, though.

Basically, 16-bit WAV files will not autoplay in XP 5.0, but 8-bit files will with no problems.

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