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Subject:Remixing a Song in ACID 3 w/o Beatmapper
Posted by: djrobby
Date:5/30/2001 10:57:51 AM

ok people, well for all you ametures who really want to learn how to remix an entire song without the use of the STUPID AS HELL beatmapper feature!

b4 i start, u will also need Sound Forge XP and a calculator (available on ure comp) u got it?? ok then, here we go....

1. rip the song u want to remix into a wav file
2. open in sound forge xp
3. go to a part in song where u can clearly tell that its four beats
4. now, at the first beat of those four beats, insert a marker and then another maker at the beginning of the fifth beat
5. now u have a 4 beat count....simple???
6. ok now, select the region within the markers and see how long that region is: XX:XX:XXX
7. now, get a calculator and divide 4 by the exact time for those 4 beats
8. now u have a value with the following units: beats per second
9. now select the entire song and get the total runtime of the song
10. multiply the total time of the song by your answer which was beats per second
11. this gives you the total number of beats for the whole song
12. now, open up acid and load the song
13. make the song a loop by douoble clicking on the track and selecting loop
14. make the number of beats for the loops the number that u got by multiplying the total time by the beats per second
15. there u go
16. your song is all perfectly cut up into beats to four and now just lay beats over it
17. u might need to make adjustments here and there but that no biggie.....just use the split feature and match the wav up with beat

hope this helps

Subject:RE: Remixing a Song in ACID 3 w/o Beatmapper
Reply by: Markleford
Date:5/31/2001 1:36:46 PM

All well and good, but both this method and the Beatmapper don't cope well with changing tempos! Instead, you either have to break the song into several same-tempo chunks in SF (with your method), or create several tracks with different Beatmapper settings for each.

Here's to hoping that the Beatmapper can cope with ebb-and-flow of tempo sometime soon (and odd time signatures, too!)

- m

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