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Subject:grid layout mismatch
Posted by: Kappeesh
Date:3/30/2010 2:38:53 PM

in ap7e i noticed a confusing problem:

in the midi editor i have the grid layout the same as the main window [16th triplet] , move midi notes around in the midi editor while watching the movement in the main window. notes moved to the same measure did NOT line up....

i.e. at measure 4 in midi is not at measure 4 in main window.

is this normal? any ideas? Peter?

Subject:RE: grid layout mismatch
Reply by: pwppch
Date:3/31/2010 1:14:25 AM

The Clip editor is editing the clip.

The time line shows events that contain clips.

What you are seeing is normal.

You should edit using in-line editing mode if you are interested in time line position.


Subject:RE: grid layout mismatch
Reply by: Kappeesh
Date:4/5/2010 1:42:56 PM

thanks...i'm still curious. why would the midi editor not recognize the parameters set for the project. not being facetious but why is it 'normal' as you say?

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