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Subject:New guy
Posted by: Djshiftyeyes
Date:5/28/2001 4:36:24 PM

I need somebody to tell me how I can get loops to start on beats other than 1 for each measure. I'm kinda new to this and I've tried reading manuals and tutrials but find nothing. I just need to know how to start on other beats and subdivide beats also. thnx

Subject:RE: New guy
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:5/28/2001 9:40:56 PM


Go into the help file in the acid program and do a search for start offset, its also in the manual under basic editing and starting a project.

See ya

Subject:RE: New guy
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:5/30/2001 11:03:57 AM

Go to Options/Snap To and change it to something other than ruler marks, and you can then place loops on different beats. If you zoom in ( the shortcut is the up and down arrows) you can also place loops on other beats.


Subject:RE: New guy
Reply by: djrobby
Date:5/30/2001 11:13:40 AM

well, the more u zoom in....the closer u get to precision and as well other beat measures other than one.....but if the beat where u want to place the song is not aligned to the "grid", then just go and disable snap and draw the beat exactly where u want it!! hope this helps


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