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Subject:Batch Converter
Posted by: lbatz
Date:5/10/2001 8:01:20 AM

Am I the only one that has noticed the repeated delays in
this much needed utility? (March, Late April, now Mid May)

I was just curious as I use this tool all the time in Sound
Forge 4.5 and that is why I won't use v5.0 until the
converter is available.

So, how serious is this latest date? Any chance we might
see this thing before Xmas?

Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:5/10/2001 5:45:56 PM

Yes, you will see it before Christmas. We would like to
make sure that the program has been thoroughly tested and
that there are no bugs in the final release. When we are
satisfied with the program, it will be released. And right
now we are looking at mid to late May.


Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: gregkernaghan
Date:5/16/2001 8:39:13 PM

I am desperately waiting to finish some large commercial
conversion projects also. Please bring on batch converter.


Greg K

Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: lbatz
Date:5/21/2001 8:44:42 AM

Yes - bring it on, but don't hold your breath. I am continuously amazed at software development. Those involved have no clue, or no concern, about the frustration caused by constantly posting dates for software release, only to repeatedly push them back.

Are they that clueless as to their progress, or just lacking in the skills needed to get the job done? What it comes down to is that I really don't care if it takes a long time for software to be properly coded and tested. What bothers me is the posting of dates that the developers have to know they can't meet. Here we've gone from March, to April, to mid-May on and on with no release in sight. I mean, the SF site now says mid-May, yet the SF rep above already said in the response to my previous post, mid to LATE May. So we already know again that what is posted is false by at least a few weeks.

Instead of getting so condescending towards potential customers annoyed by this practice (yeah, telling me "When we are satisfied with the program, it will be released." helps a lot), why not just say "we have no clue," because that is what it seems like. Or say Q2 of 2001, or probably Q3 of 2001. At least that gives them several months to play with. This way they don't have to look like fools so often with this game of musical dates.

Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: SlowX
Date:5/29/2001 8:17:02 AM

>>mid to late May<<

Seeing how late May is here, any chance for an updated release estimate?


Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: hmmme
Date:5/31/2001 10:29:19 AM

as far as i know, batch converter in sf4.5 is already working great.

Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:5/31/2001 11:08:19 AM

I will not post any more potential release dates here unless I know for sure that it will be out. It is unfair for me to do so and then have things change. I'll post more when I have some definite information.


Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: spoken
Date:5/31/2001 1:21:24 PM

this is not going unnoticed.

Subject:RE: Batch Converter
Reply by: SonyKSA
Date:6/5/2001 5:16:11 PM

At last the Batch Converter is posted.

Sound Forge 5.0 users with a valid serial number can download the application from:

If you are not a Sound Forge user, but are interested in purchasing Batch Converter, visit:

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