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Subject:Process effects overlapping problem in SF 5.0
Posted by: innagroove
Date:5/20/2001 4:38:07 PM

"Be carefull what you wish for" is my new phrase for the week. For all those times I had cursed Sound forge for not overlapping effects, such as delay, over unselected audio, it seems the jaded little program has opted to take it's revenge. For instance, if I want to Time Stretch just the "a" sound in a vocal that says "damn" (i.e. "DAAAAAAAMN!"), the program NOW completely mows over the "mn!" part. Anybody know about an option I'm not finding?


Subject:RE: Process effects overlapping problem in SF 5.0
Reply by: SonicDougW
Date:5/21/2001 3:46:11 PM

For instance, if I want to Time Stretch just the "a" sound in a vocal that says "damn" i.e. "DAAAAAAAMN!"), the program NOW completely mows over the "mn!" part. Anybody know about an option I'm not finding?
To change how Forge deals with effects tails when using a particular DirectX plug-in, just bring up that plug-in, right-click on the title bar of the dialog box and choose "Preview Configuration". The last option on the configuration dialog ("If plug-in extends length") will allow you to specify how effects tails will be handled when using this plug-in.

The three options being "Insert Tail" (which i beleive is what you want to enable for the above scenario), "Mix Tail" (the default) and "Ignore Tail".

Subject:RE: Process effects overlapping problem in SF 5.0
Reply by: innagroove
Date:5/22/2001 12:45:35 AM

First off, thanks a million for the reply. This is exactly what I'm looking for, with one slight difference. The problem I'm having is with a "process." Namely the Time Stretch process. Do processes live by the same rules? And if so, might they hide their goodies somewhere else?


Subject:RE: Process effects overlapping problem in SF 5.0
Reply by: SonicDougW
Date:5/22/2001 5:22:01 PM

this will apply to some of the items under the Process menu in Sound Forge 5.0 (EQ and Time Stretch), as these are actually DirectX effects. The Sonic Foundry XFX 1/2/3 DirectX plug-ins included with SF5.0 will show up under the Process and Effects menus, as they replace the original built-in Forge effects.

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