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Subject:Acid 3's System Requierment >>> a Big lie ?
Posted by: Zacchino
Date:5/20/2001 6:16:44 PM

Why making softwares that only works fully on the Intel's boss computer ?

Lots of people agree with me. You guys made a great software, but it takes too much ressources, and demands too much "recent" hardware to work fully (with more than 4 busses, more than 2 effects at a time, more than 16 samples in disk based in a song). We have enough of buying hardware for only 1 software upgrade. I say that because the software could have been great without all that huge system requierment. Personnally i'd love working with 3.0 but i wont buy the upgrade untill this issue is fixed.

Subject:RE: Acid 3's System Requierment >>> a Big lie ?
Reply by: Shakil
Date:5/21/2001 2:20:52 PM

Every Software upgrade will probably need hardware upgrades too, for the same level of performance as the preveous software.

Subject:RE: Acid 3's System Requierment >>> a Big lie ?
Reply by: Vocalpoint
Date:5/21/2001 2:45:10 PM

I agreed totally with this bullshit upgrade. I received Acid Pro 3 via free upgrade (bought Acid Pro 2 before April 15) and after fighting with Pro 3 for 2 weeks now, I am back to Pro 2.

Pro 3, while full of rad stuff , is just too much of a resource hog to get any work done. I am running a PIII 800 with 384 MB of RDRAM, SCSI drives...the works and this thing is just a cow.

Examples from others in here are well documented in here but:

How many of you have clicked a menu command while a Pro 3 project is running? Instant gapping and popping. Finally turned up the buffer and sort of fixed that problem. Then yesterday with just 4 loops (20 secs of audio - total), 4 buses and 2 effects chained, I adjust the master faders slightly and the 4 loops start to play out of sync. First one, then another. Had to keep restarting from the beginning. What a frickin' waste of time!

For what I need to do with this product, Pro 2 will suffice. I didn't see the need for all this effects crap anyway. Funny thing is that you can do all of this much better in Vegas Audio anyway so I am going to stick with Pro 2 and add my effects later.

It is very unfortunate that SF could not maintain the momentum generated by Acid Pro 2. Most folks who drop big bucks on this are going to be very disappointed. I would have thought SF would have at least been straight up with the required hardware specs cause if my machine can't handle this thing, what do you really need to get anything done?

My advise: Stay with Pro 2 if you actually want to make some music.

Cuzin B

Subject:RE: Acid 3's System Requierment >>> a Big lie ?
Reply by: Zacchino
Date:5/21/2001 7:11:54 PM

Reply to Shakil: So do you buy hardware each time a softwares has an upgrade ? I donno how do you do but it must cost you a lot more than ever. But you must admit that Sonic Foundry has been a bit too far with the system requierment specifications in the manual.

Reply to CuzinB : Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn Right ! Powah to da non-lots-of-hardware-needing Softwares !!! But i still can't believe they made a software needing so much power from a PC ! I think it only can work great with a P4 1Ghz at least (it seems like the memory isnt the problem when you have 128 at least its enough).

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