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Subject:What to do b/t Acid 3 Beta Expiration & ship dates?
Posted by: SlowX
Date:5/17/2001 9:19:50 AM

Howdy y'all,

The Acid 3 beta has expired now, and I haven't received the
3.0 upgrade yet (I ordered the boxed version), so is there
temp version to hold me over until it arrives? I know
there's a demo, but it's not a full version...

Any suggestions?



Subject:RE: What to do b/t Acid 3 Beta Expiration & ship dates?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:5/17/2001 7:46:17 PM

Guess there's not much really that could be done that I
would assume. I was using the beta and I ordered the boxed
version too. My ACID Pro 3 projects are now officially in
limbo. :)


Subject:RE: What to do b/t Acid 3 Beta Expiration & ship dates?
Reply by: SlowX
Date:5/19/2001 9:26:53 AM

I got an e-mail back from SF and they say that there is indeed nothing that can be done until you get the boxed version.

They DID say that it should start shipping around June 1st, so at least it's coming...


Subject:RE: What to do b/t Acid 3 Beta Expiration & ship dates?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:5/19/2001 9:06:20 PM

And it feels like slow torture, doesn't it? :)

I keep fooling around with the demo and my lower lip curls when I can't do anything with my ACID 3 projects.

I can't wait for June 1...


Subject:RE: What to do b/t Acid 3 Beta Expiration & ship dates?
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:5/20/2001 1:49:36 AM


You can get a 7 day activation from Sonic Foundry to use the prog. for 7 days then when that runs out call them back and tell them you are waiting for the upgrade and they should give you another 7 day activation by that time it should be shipped.

Call 1800 57sonic Customer service or dial 1 to get code.

See ya

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