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Subject:mil sec delay on ACID's output of MIDI
Posted by: Kuerint
Date:5/15/2001 3:33:06 PM

I am outputting midi clock to my equipment via my sound
card using the MPU-401 chip i.e. Computer (ACID) -> MPU-401
(out) -> Roland JX-305 (in). When I start recording my JX-
305 kicks in sync with ACID. The problem is when I
playback the sample the sample starts .1 second later.
This is a real problem considering that I now can't sync
any of my 1000+ loops to my pre-recorded tracks on my
external devices. Actually I could manually sync them but
it would be a serious pain in the ass thus defeating the
purpose of ACID. Anyone out there experience the same
problem? If so what do you suggest. It would seem to me
that the sync signal is not getting to the JX-305 in time
for some reason. It's driving me crazy because I don't
have the same problem in CakeWalk. And CakeWalk is Midi
nutty. Is there some problem with the code for ACID's midi

Seriously sad

Subject:RE: mil sec delay on ACID's output of MIDI
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/15/2001 6:00:49 PM

When I start recording my JX-
305 kicks in sync with ACID. The problem is when I
playback the sample the sample starts .1 second later.

First, what is a JX-305? Drum machine? Sequencer?

Second: What sample starts .1 second late? A loop in ACID?
The sample in the Jx-305?

How are you wiring things?

How did you measure this .1 second delay?

The more details you can offer on what you are doing the


Subject:RE: mil sec delay on ACID's output of MIDI
Reply by: Kuerint
Date:5/18/2001 12:28:44 PM

Ok peter here is the deal. A Roland JX-305 is a synthesizer w/ on board 8-track sequencer. Let's start with the basics. My computer has a SB16 sound card. On that card I have a MPU-401 interface. I am syncing my JX-305 to ACID. i.e. JX-305 (Slave), ACID (Sending Midi Clock). So when I play ACID my JX-305 starts in tempo with ACID. I am using ACID to record my sequences of my JX-305 so that i can have all my tracks loaded into ACID therefore making it easier to edit, manipulate and create WAV, MP3 etc files. I am using the MidiMan (MM for short) Delta-44 audio interface for recording into ACID. i.e. JX-305 1/4" L/R out - MMDelta-44 1/4" L(1)/R(2) in. So here it is . . when I select a track on ACID, hit the record button, set up my track name and input device for recording (Delta-44 in) then click the 'Start' button . . . it records great and the sound quality is good enough for my purpose. However when I zoom in all the way to the beginning of the recorded track I notice there is a .1 mil sec delay. I measured that by selecting time on the time line rather than beats or SMTPE etc. You can even hear it when you lay another track on top of the recorded track. An example: Lets say I just recorded a drum track for this example we will call this track (A). Then I go to the explorer section in ACID and pick a drum track off of Funky Extremes, we will call this track (B). I drop track (B) in and draw out the exact length as track (A) (oh lets say it is in 4/4). When I go to play it the tracks are off beat with one another. Now of course since it is in sync I can just crop the beginning of track (A). But again that would be a massive time waster conserdering I have thousands of tracks to input and edit. If I can shave off a few weeks or so I will and if you have a solution to this problem I will owe you one.

Subject:RE: mil sec delay on ACID's output of MIDI
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/18/2001 10:06:59 PM

Ok, for clarification and simplification....

- You are slaving and external sequencer to ACID using MIDI clock.
- You are recording the output (analog) of the external sequencer in ACID.
- After the record, the recording is fine other than it is off set (forward) by .1 sec.

Try this:
- Open Prefs | Audio page.
- Click the Advanced button
- Select the Record Latency tab

First try:

- Uncheck the "Automatically detect...." and click oK

If this doesn't work, then try adjusting the "User latency offset" in the Record Latency property page.


Subject:RE: mil sec delay on ACID's output of MIDI
Reply by: Kuerint
Date:5/31/2001 11:30:05 AM

Thanks !

I will give it a try and keep you posted . . . .

Subject:RE: mil sec delay on ACID's output of MIDI
Reply by: Kuerint
Date:6/6/2001 2:34:07 PM

Well I am sorry to say. But I forgot to mention one cruicial part . . . I have Acid 1.0. I never upgraded because I had tried the trial versions of 2 and 3 and they have too many bugs for me to worry about. But fortunatly my buddies and I finally came out with our Rev1 DJK 1.1.3 software audio recorder developed under C++. It pretty much kicks over Acid and does everything "plus some" I need to do. So thank you anyways and tell your boys at SonicFoundry to keep up the good work.

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