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Subject:BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Posted by: Markleford
Date:5/17/2001 2:07:08 PM

Not sure if this has been reported yet. Steps to reproduce:

1) New project, place one loop as a track (set Loop Region as needed)
2) Duplicate Track, then set the Pan of both tracks so that they're split discretely Left and Right
3) Apply an FX plug-in to the Master output fader ("Master FX...")
4) Create a new bus ("Insert Bus"), then assign one of the tracks to Bus A
6) Render the song, play it back; YOU HEAR FX ON ONLY *ONE* CHANNEL/TRACK

I can email an example project file to demonstrate this on request.

- m

Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/17/2001 4:29:39 PM

I cannot reproduce this. Could you email me the test

What FX are you using on the master bus?


Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: Markleford
Date:6/8/2001 12:23:32 PM


Was this bug ever verified? I'm still having major issues with it.

For now, in order to get a rendered track to sound like it does in preview, I have to send my output to a Virtual Audio Cable device and then record it in an external editor (trimming off the ends, etc). Annoying, yes, but it works for now.

Still hoping for an official fix, of course...

- m

Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/8/2001 1:29:48 PM


Check the signal flow chart in the begging of thr PDF manual it shows exactly how the audio signal is routed through Acid It sounds like your bus is routed back through the master.

See ya

Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: Markleford
Date:6/11/2001 10:09:27 AM

> Check the signal flow chart in the begging of thr PDF manual it
> shows exactly how the audio signal isrouted through Acid It sounds
> like your bus is routed back through the master.

Well yes, it is routed back through the Master. I tend to put my various instrument types (kicks, drum loops, basses, etc) on separate busses for their own effects, and then route the busses through the Master for EQ, compression, etc on the final mix.

The trouble, though, is that what is heard on playback is not what is rendered to a file. This inconsistency is what is at issue.

Check out this sample project to hear for yourself; it sounds different on playback than on rendering...

- m

Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:6/11/2001 11:08:09 AM

Hello again,

Are you saying to render this file on my system?

If so I'll check it out.

See ya

Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: Markleford
Date:6/12/2001 9:16:28 AM

Yes: listen to the playback in Acid first, then render it and listen to the file in another app. It's clearly different!

- m

Subject:RE: BUG (ACID 3): Bus/FX routing on Rendering differs from Play/Preview
Reply by: SonicJG
Date:6/12/2001 10:31:19 AM


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is indeed a bug, which is currently being investigated by our developers and should be fixed for the 3.0a release.


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